Difference: MocapResequence (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42006-03-08 - jftong

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"

Animation using Motion Resequencing and Blending

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  Comments & Questions:
It presents a new way to re-assemble the captured data to create a realistic, controllable motion. But two problems are presented: 1. Not completely automatic. The special motions must recognized and labeled before. 2. Considering large database, the search part will be time-consuming even with parallelization. Especially in the time-critial application like game, it is the downside refering to the paper result. --jianfeng tong

Precomputing Avatar Behaviour From Human Motion Data

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 The actual definition of an action is unclear to me. Is it a whole motion, or just some part of a motion? Also, I could use some clarification of the details of training/reward system. Scalability in terms of memory sounds like it might be a problem if you wanted the avatars to handle a wider variety of abilities. -Christopher Batty
Compared with the other paper, I am more interested in the precomputed control. It has a significant improvement in performance over the search. Precomputed control and runtime synthesis is a great combination to satisfy the requirement of time and a certain range of control. jianfeng tong
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