Difference: MocapResequence (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62006-03-08 - boliang

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"

Animation using Motion Resequencing and Blending

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  As for the creating of transitions, smooth transition between frames might not give a pleasing motion; after all, it is interpolated between global positions and joint angles. So I am wondering how general this method could be? In addition, when extracting motion from a large graph, both efficiency and the acceptable final motion would be the concerns, even if user provides enough guidance. -- Steven Chang
An interesting paper. The model the authors described in this paper is more suitable for designing the games. So some AI concepts, such as reward function, are used in their algorithm. As a game, real-time and performance are the most important things need to be considered. In order to improve the performance, the authors adopted pre-compiled motion graph. By using the reward functions to control the actor's responses, the motion of the actor can't be forcasted. It makes the game more playable. The system is easy to extend by adding more reward functions. As an example used in the paper, a boxing game, all the motions are a little similar, so the transition from one clip to another can be easily handled. --Bo Liang

Precomputing Avatar Behaviour From Human Motion Data

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  Compared with the other paper, I am more interested in the precomputed control. It has a significant improvement in performance over the search. Precomputed control and runtime synthesis is a great combination to satisfy the requirement of time and a certain range of control. jianfeng tong
Compared with Lee's paper, this model is more suitable to be used in making a movie. You can define an error function, then the system will render a shore movie clip as you expected. So the performance is not as important as Lee's model. Maybe this is the reason the autor didn't use a pre-compiled motion database. The motions used to construct the motion graph are multiplicate, so the transition between the different clips are difficult to handle. --Bo Liang
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