Difference: MocapResequence (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82006-03-08 - zephyr

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"

Animation using Motion Resequencing and Blending

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  An interesting paper. The model the authors described in this paper is more suitable for designing the games. So some AI concepts, such as reward function, are used in their algorithm. As a game, real-time and performance are the most important things need to be considered. In order to improve the performance, the authors adopted pre-compiled motion graph. By using the reward functions to control the actor's responses, the motion of the actor can't be forcasted. It makes the game more playable. The system is easy to extend by adding more reward functions. As an example used in the paper, a boxing game, all the motions are a little similar, so the transition from one clip to another can be easily handled. --Bo Liang
Although the authors listed several potential applications, I doubt motion graph can be easily imported into video games--either for non-player characters or for players. Realistic motion is definitely desirable, but in real time games: first, players and NPCs are acting every second which may cost much computation power if we use this kind of technique to every character; second, again, many imaginary characters appear in those virtual worlds which makes the original motion capture data not so easy to be used, let alone the modified data. Anyway, this paper also reminds me a question in our last assignment. --Zhangbo(Zephyr) Liu

Precomputing Avatar Behaviour From Human Motion Data

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