Difference: OrderingSoftwareLicenses ( vs. 1)

Revision 12009-05-27 - JulietOKeefe

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Ordering Software Licenses

(In progress)

Procedure for ordering software or computer hardware: Ordering should be done through Ming and the tech staff. Vivian makes up the related JVs and individual faculty signatures are not necessary. (In cases of smaller purchases, such as office supplies or DVDs, etc., then Juliet can make up a JV which can be taken to the bookstore.) For future orders, you can either go directly to Ming, or let Juliet know and she will make the order through Ming (the advantage of this is that she can request copies of the paperwork at the time that it is done). Juliet should be cc’ed on orders; also please cc the Imager tech group.

Recently SPSS licenses were ordered for Kelly, Karon, and Joanna. An inventory will follow.

-- JulietOKeefe - 27 May 2009

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