Difference: PhysicsTracking (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62011-12-01 - brianxu

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"

Physics-based Person Tracking Using the Anthropomorphic Walker

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 A possible improvement for that study would be to investigate possible controllers for generalizing over different morphologies, or even moods of characters. The paper is well-written, but it's not very easy to follow as it incorporates ideas/methods from different areas.

Contribution: The paper presents a physics-based model to track walking people in monocular video while most current methods rely on kinematic models.

Evaluation: The result is evaluated by 4 experiments. The first one tests the changes in speed from 7 to 3 km/h. The second one tests occlusion by blacking out an image region. Third one tests the track of 3D turning. The last one tests against humanEva dataset.

Reproducibility: This paper presents a complex topic. While the key ideas, formulas, and general ideas of experiments are presented with details, the actual implementation still misses a lot of explanation. It may not be easy to reproduce exactly what the paper does.

Improvement: Overall the paper is well organized and presents the key ideas very well. However I still find it is hard to follow because it requires so much background knowledge from different areas.

Baoxuan- 01 Dec 2011

 -- Main.ooguz - 01 Dec 2011
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