Difference: PhysicsTracking (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72011-12-01 - shuoshen

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"

Physics-based Person Tracking Using the Anthropomorphic Walker

Line: 74 to 74
 -- Main.ooguz - 01 Dec 2011

** Contribution? It uses physics-based model that generalizes naturally to variations in style of different speed, step-length, and mass, and avoids common problems such as footskate.

** How are the results evaluated? They evaluated the results by doing four experiments: change in speed, occlusion, turning and using the HumanEva mocap data. To measure the quality of tracking, they plot the spped of subject along with the posterior probability of which leg is the stance leg. They also watch the 3D animation to see how realistic the walking motion is.

** Reproducible? Looks to be reproducible. The methods and equations are well documented and values of parameters are also given.

** Possible improvements? This paper crosses many different fields. There are many concepts that are not explained clearly to me. It feels very difficult to read this paper. Otherwise, it's a well written paper except figure 8 comes after figure 11.

-- Main.shuoshen - 01 Dec 2011

 -- MichielVanDePanne - 27 Nov 2011
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