Difference: ProblemTracking (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52007-02-08 - cherylsl

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META TOPICPARENT name="ImagerLabAdministration"

Problem Tracking Procedures

We have established a wiki page under StatusReport, that is used to track open system administration issues.

This page tracks all known open problems. Progress on the issues on this list will be discussed with the technical staff on a weekly basis (Tuesday afternoons this term).
This page tracks all known open problems. Progress on the issues on this list will be discussed with the technical staff on a weekly basis (Wednesdays this term).
  In order for this mechanism to work, we need your collaboration. If you encounter a problem with the computer systems, you should do the following:
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  • if the problem does not get resolved within a few days, add it to the above wiki page. Make sure you list your name, so we can contact you if necessary. Also specify the help system tracking number. Any entry that makes it by Tuesday around noon will be discussed at our meeting in the afternoon.
  • Changed:
  • if you have problems or question regarding the wiki, contact Cheryl Lau (cherylsl@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca). Cheryl is not responsible for solving the problem, but he takes care of the tracking, and might be able to tell you the result of the discussion at the weekly meetings.
  • >
  • if you have problems or question regarding the wiki, contact Cheryl Lau (cherylsl@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca). Cheryl is not responsible for solving the problem, but she takes care of the tracking, and might be able to tell you the result of the discussion at the weekly meetings.
  • once your request to help@cs is addressed, please send Cheryl a note, and remove the entry from the wiki.
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