Difference: RunWalk (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-03-22 - changxia

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META TOPICPARENT name="CPSC526ComputerAnimation"
 -- MichielVanDePanne - 27 Feb 2006
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  Another paper. Please add your comments below.
This set of papers is significantly different from what I have seen in our class so far, it introduces quite a few new concepts which I expect more elaborations on, such as what does it mean by unstable motion? Linear predictive model (section 5.2), and proportional derivative controller (PD). The idea presented in the paper is very neat, using FSM to determine next state and PD controller to compute the required force and torques which can lead the articulated figure to the desired pose. However, control perturbation is used to solve this control problem and perturbation is like trial-and-error therefore, it would still be an issue of the efficiency. -- Steven Chang
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