Difference: DescriptionOfModules (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22010-05-13 - TumshHofmann

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge"

An Attempt at beaking down the code.

This section assumes that you are familiar with the concepts of ROS (ROS main page here)





This section contains a list of modules, a quick desciption of their purpose, and how they interact with other modules.
This section contains a list of packages, a quick desciption of their purpose, and how they interact with other packages.
 The locations described are relative to the path ubc-srvc-pkg/ which will be refered to as SRVCROOT.





This package contains the code for the high level behaviours, such as determining what type of behaviour is desirable at the moment.

executive.py (launched through exectuive.launch is the central script that decides what the robot is to do and when.


SRVCROOT/navigation/navigation_goals/ This package contains code which looks at the map to generate goals for the robot.

  • coverage_goals ???


Revision 12010-05-12 - TumshHofmann

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge"

An Attempt at beaking down the code.

This section assumes that you are familiar with the concepts of ROS (ROS main page here)


This section contains a list of modules, a quick desciption of their purpose, and how they interact with other modules. The locations described are relative to the path ubc-srvc-pkg/ which will be refered to as SRVCROOT.


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