Difference: SettingUpMasterComputerForNetworkedInstall ( vs. 1)

Revision 12010-05-27 - DavidMeger

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META TOPICPARENT name="TheSemanticRobotVisionChallenge"

Setting Up the Master and Slave Computers for SRVC Networking

  • Configure NIS (help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo)
    • apt-get install nis and portmap on master and slaves
    • edit /etc/default/nis NISSERVER and NISCLIENT set correctly
    • Domain ubcrobots.net
    • YPServer set to fixed IP (may need to be done in router config, or else set in /etc/network/interfaces)
    • Point slave computers to YP server /etc/yp.conf and restart NIS (init.d/nis restart)
    • Go to /var/yp and type make on slave machines to re-get the users from master

  • Configure NFS server
    • On Slave:
      • apt-get install autofs
      • /etc/auto.master needs to have a yp entry that mounts home drives in /nfs
      • /etc/init.d/autofs restart to remount things
    • On Master:
      • apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
      • /etc/auto.home has mount points from nfs
      • /etc/exports lists the directories to export via NFS
      • fstab mounts various directories all under /nfs so that autofs has a single directory to look under
      • /var/yp/Makefile - edit and uncomment the line which adds auto.home to ALL
      • Edit /etc/passwd for all accounts that you want to work on slaves, point home directory to /nfs/home

-- DavidMeger - 27 May 2010

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