Case | Expected | Actual |
Lowercase |
<-- expected --> lowercase<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> lowercase<-- /actual --> |
Titlecase |
<-- expected --> Titlecase<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> Titlecase<-- /actual --> |
WikiWord |
<-- expected --> WikiWord<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> WikiWord<-- /actual --> |
Upper-case |
<-- expected --> UPPERCASE<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> UPPERCASE<-- /actual --> |
Lower-case with number |
<-- expected --> lowercase-with-number<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> lowercase-with-number<-- /actual --> |
Title-case with number |
<-- expected --> Titlecase-with-number<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> Titlecase-with-number<-- /actual --> |
Upper-case with number |
<-- expected --> UPPERCASE-with-number<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> UPPERCASE-with-number<-- /actual --> |
Mixed upper-case and number |
<-- expected --> MIXEDUPPERNUMBER<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> MIXEDUPPERNUMBER<-- /actual --> |
Mix of upper/lower and number |
<-- expected --> Mix-of-uplownumber<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> Mix-of-uplownumber<-- /actual --> |
Upper case in the middle |
<-- expected --> upperINthemiddle<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> upperINthemiddle<-- /actual --> |
Upper-case with underscore |
<-- expected --> UPPERCASE-with-underscore<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> UPPERCASE-with-underscore<-- /actual --> |
Lower-case with underscore |
<-- expected --> lowercase-with-underscore<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> lowercase-with-underscore<-- /actual --> |
Mix of everything |
<-- expected --> Mix of everything<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> Mix of everything<-- /actual --> |
Illegal character |
<-- expected --> %ILLEGAL-CHARACTER%<-- /expected --> |
<-- actual --> %ILLEGAL-CHARACTER%<-- /actual --> |