Difference: TestCaseSectionalInclude ( vs. 1)

Revision 12021-01-06 - TWikiGuest

Line: 1 to 1


Description: Verify that TWiki:Codev.NamedSectionalincludes are working

Verify that only the proper section is being included under each header. Each included section has a text that is easily recognizable.

Additional Test Topic: IncludeFixtures

Whole Topic

This is outside any section

This is the first section

This is the start of the outer section

This is the whole content of the inner section

This is the end of the outer section

This is outside any section

This is between begining of first and second overlap

This is between begining of secondoverlap and end of firstoverlap

This is after firstoverlap

First (Non Nested) Section

This is the first section

Outer Nested Section

This is the start of the outer section

This is the whole content of the inner section

This is the end of the outer section

Inner Nested Section

This is the whole content of the inner section

Test Overlap

This is between begining of first and second overlap

This is between begining of secondoverlap and end of firstoverlap

This is between begining of secondoverlap and end of firstoverlap

This is after firstoverlap

Test Non-existing Section

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