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Results from BETA web retrieved at 20:28 (GMT)

Cheat sheet for Matlab user: vs. R Some useful R commands: # command line execution of R scripts: R CMD BATCH help (`write.table) # write data to file:...
The Database (SQL) drop table if exists RUNS JMALT; create table RUNS JMALT ( i INT NOT NULL AUTO INCREMENT, job INT, run file VARCHAR(128), out file VARCHAR(128)...
HolgerHoos 07 Feb 2006 RNA Tertiary Structure Prediction (Holger Anne) Other Research Topics (Anne Holger)
Assume for all instances below that a single FASTA reference ref.fasta and a single FASTQ read file reads.fastq are in the same directory as the program executable...
Number of topics: 4

Topic revision: r33 - 2012-10-04 - qhsu
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