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Results from SPL web retrieved at 18:27 (GMT)

SPLuRGe (SPL Reading Group) Papers Reviewed (Past, Present, and Future) 2010 Fall 2005 Summer 2005 Before Summer 2005 Notice: This page...
This page will soon have all of the schedule of papers to read. Unless otherwise noted (i.e., Feb 7), meetings will be in Room 304 at 11am on Thursdays. Papers...
Kim, S. and Ernst, M. D. 2007. Which warnings should I fix first?. In Proceedings of the the 6th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and...
Ko AJ, Myers BA (2004). the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program behavior Brian`s Review PROBLEM ADDRESSED In previous studies, the...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Reviews Sept 26 Brian , Ed, Sara Ko AJ, Myers BA the Whyline: a debugging interface for asking questions about program...
Main.wohlstad 06 Jun 2005 qualified types.cs: Helper functions for serializing type formats. For more information see: name mangling
Spyglass Documentations Software development environments have evolved to make it easy for third parties to integrate a variety of tools into the environment. Previous...
Here are some helpful tips for new members to the SPL. The lab web page is at Add yourself to the SPL mailing list: mail mailto:majordomo@cs.ubc.ca majordomo...
Date Discussion Contributors Paper Reviews June 1 Chris , Ed, Navjot Sheard T (2004). Languages of the Future. doi:10.1145/1028664.1028711 Extended Abstract...
Syllbaus for Directed Studies in Software Engineering Term 2: Winter 2007 2008 Gail Murphy Vital Statistics Lectures: By appointment, 1 hour per week minimum Office...
Number of topics: 10

Topic revision: r40 - 2013-10-01 - bestchai
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