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-- HolgerHoos - 08 Feb 2006

Use of the ICICS Open Media Environment

[DRAFT, version 0.3-hh - comments and suggestions welcome! See footnotes for explanations.]

Background & Purpose:

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the use of the ICICS Open Media Environment (OME) for research, demonstration, educational and artistic purposes in a manner that respects the interests of the occupants and users of the ICICS/CS complex, and to establish priorities and principles for granting access to and use of the OME facilities.

It is recognized that flexibility and goodwill will be necessary to meet the needs of all stakeholders and to maximize the effectiveness of the OME while avoiding negative impact on the users and occupants of the ICICS/CS complex.

1. Modes of operation

For the purpose of this policy, two modes of OME operation are distinguished: ambient mode and performance mode. These modes differ in their impact on the usability of the ICICS/CS atrium for other purposes and in their potential impact on users and occupants of the ICICS/CS complex.

1.1 Ambient mode

In ambient mode, OME operation has minimal impact on the usability of the ICICS/CS atrium for other purposes and no significant impact on users and occupants of the ICICS/CS complex:

- Audio output levels are limited in such a way that the use of other ICICS/CS facilities is not disrupted, including:

  • the study space in the adjacent link section of the atrium
  • the ICICS/CS Reading Room
  • offices and meeting rooms in the ICICS/CS Green Zone [1]

[HH: any other rooms that should be explicitly listed here?]

- OME operation is limited such that behaviours of users and visitor of the ICICS/CS atrium that produce disruptive noise levels are not encouraged. Examples for such behaviours include shouting, clapping, whistling, singing, stamping and striking of objects such as railings.

[HH: This is in specific response to complaints received during NIME, and to recognise that it's not just sound produced by the OME system that we have to be concerned about.]

- Restrictions to general access to and general use of the atrium space are limited to the OME stage and seating area, and activities that would require such restrictions (for example, to ensure safety) are not allowed. An example for such an activity is the use of lasers. [HH: other/better examples?]

- OME operation that causes privacy concerns, for example as a result of audio and video recording activity, may be permitted, but is subject to UBC policies and regulations and may require ethics approval. Users and visitors of the ICICS/CS atrium as well as occupants of the ICICS/CS complex will be informed prior and during any use of the OME that may cause privacy concerns.

1.2 Performance mode

In performance mode, OME operation may have significant impact on the usability of the ICICS/CS atrium. This may include disruptive sound levels, temporary restrictions of access and use of the ICICS/CS atrium space and temporary reconfiguration of the ICICS/CS atrium and adjacent spaces. For the purpose of this policy, any operation that does not satisfy the criteria for ambient mode operation, as outlined in 1.1, is considered performance mode operation. This includes uses for testing, demonstration or rehearsal purposes as well as actual performances.

[HH: to simplify life for ICICS/CS building occupants, setup and testing are included in "operation" - see also procedures below. Therefore, we only need to distinguish two modes.]

2. Authorization and Administration

Access to OME equipment and systems as well as operation of the OME is authorized by the Director of ICICS and the Head of the Department of Computer Science. All authorization requests are reviewed by the ICICS OME Steering Committee, which makes recommendations to the Director and Head.

[HH: I discussed this with Gale Ross after checking building occupancy. CS needs to be involved, since it's the ICICS/CS Building. Our feeling is that the other stakeholders (ECE, Mech) can be adequately represented by the Director of ICICS, since they occupy jointly less than 25% of Levels 1-3 (Level 0 should not be significantly impacted by OME operation). Still, this may merit further discussion. In practice, the Director and Head can decide to accept recommendations made by the committee by default, so it's not an additional burden/hurdle.]

Authorization for OME operation is granted on a case-by-case basis and applies to specific periods of time and a specific mode of operation; it may also be subject to additional constraints, such as ethics approval having been granted, or restrictions, such as no audio output being used, or conditions, such as liability for any damage to the atrium or OME equipment being assumed by the applicant.

[HH: restrictions are mentioned to facilitate, e.g., video-only use during sensitive times, where audio would be unacceptable.]

3. ICICS OME Steering Committee

[HH: the following is obiously just a first proposal. The goal is to keep the committee as small as possible while ensuring proper representation of stake holders. Initial appointments could be Fels (OME Group), Hoos (CS) and Ross (ICICS). It may be good to have one staff member on the committee, to represent the concerns of that group of occupants. I don't think we need a student representative.]

The members of the ICICS OME Steering Committee are appointed by the Director and Head. The committee comprises at least three members, including

- an ICICS faculty member appointed by the Director of ICICS, whose role is to represent the concerns and interests of ICICS;

- a representative of the ICICS OME Project Group appointed by the Director of ICICS upon recommendation of the ICICS OME Project Group, whose role is to represent the concerns and interests of the ICICS OME Project Group;

- a representative of the Department of Computer Science appointed by the Head of the Department of Computer Science, whose role is to represent the concerns of the occupants and users of the part of the ICICS/CS complex allocated by the university to the Department of Computer Science.

The committee holds regular meetings that are open to all members of ICICS.occupants and to all users of the ICICS/CS Complex. Each member of the committee serves a three-year term and may be reappointed at the discretion of the Director of ICICS and the Head of the Department of Computer Science, respectively.

4. Regular Review

The ICICS OME Steering Committee conducts regular reviews of this policy and the procedures implementing it. Such reviews explicitly elicit direct input from users and occupants of the ICICS/CS complex as well as from OME users and from the OME Project Group. Any changes to the policy and procedures take effect after they have been approved by the Director of ICICS and by the Head of the Department of Computer Science.


[HH: the rationale for separating procedures from policy is that procedures are expected to change more frequently. This also follows the way many UBC policies are structured.]

The following procedures are used to implement the policy on the use of the ICICS Open Media Environment. These procedures have been designed with the intention of achieving the purpose stated in the policy while minimizing administrative load on OME users, ICICS OME Steering Committee members, the Director of ICICS and the Head of the Department of Computer Science.

1. Conditions for OME Access and Operation, OME Orientation and Safety Briefing

1.1 Permission to operate the OME is restricted to members of ICICS and their students. Exceptions can be made if compelling reasons are presented, but in those cases a member of ICICS has to support the application and formally take responsibility for the operation of the OME and any damage to ICICS equipment and facilities, in particular, for all components of the OME. Emergency shutdown is not considered OME operation and may be performed by anyone who has undergone an OME orientation and safety briefing (see 1.2) and who is authorized to access the OME Control Room (see 1.3).

[HH: emergency shutdown may be necessary during unsupervised ambient mode operation, which I believe we should allow in cases where the risk of, e.g., run-away audio, is non-existent or small - for example, for video installations or screening of ICICS/CS educational/information material, etc.]

1.2 Anyone operating the OME needs to have undergone an OME orientation and safety briefing. The safety briefing includes a review of the OME operational limits (including limitations on load and tilt angles for the movable truss) as well as instruction on safe operation and installation of OME equipment (including movable truss operation, seismic tether attachment and release, emergency shutoff procedures for winches, audio and lighting systems). The briefing will be conducted by a qualified OME operator, and upon completion, both the briefer and the briefee will sign copies of the "OME Safety Guidelines Form" (Appendix A). One signed copy of this form will be kept together with each OME use permit in the ICICS Office. The ICICS Office will also keep a list of qualified OME operators.

[HH: this is really to limit risk of accidents and liability. I expect we start with 3-4 operators qualified to give briefings, e.g., Hoos, Fels, plus maybe Filipozzi and - later - Demco; these will acquire their qualification by means of being briefed by Cinequip/White.]

1.3 Access to the OME Control Room (ICCS 162) is to be restricted as follows:

  • holders of a valid OME use permit, during the times listed on the permit
  • full members of the OME Project Group
  • the Director of ICICS
  • the Head of the Department of Computer Science
  • the ICICS IT Manager
  • the Computing Facilities Manager of the Department of Computer Science
  • the ICICS Administration Manager
  • the Secretary to the Head of the Department of Computer Science
Other UBC faculty, staff, students or visitors as well as contractors need to be accompanied by at least one person from the list above.

[HH: anyone else?]

2. Operational Restrictions for OME Ambient Mode Operation

2.1 Audio output is restricted to a maximum level of 60dB (which corresponds to the level of a normal conversation). The OME DSP is to be used in a configuration that enforces this restriction.

[HH: if we use the DSP to enforce it, there is no need to measure levels, which could be difficult anyway.]

2.2 Ambient mode operation is permitted for at most two 2h slots on any given day. On weekdays, one of these slots should preferably be scheduled before 9:00, after 17:00, or between 11:30 and 13:30. Exceptions to this rule require explicit authorization by the Director of ICICS and the Head of the Department of Computer Science.

[HH: let's start cautiously; we can always ramp it up as we go, given that user acceptance is good.]

2.3 Any ambient mode operation is to be announced to the occupants of the ICICS/CS complex by posting the use permit at least one week prior to the first scheduled time of operation on the OME web page, which also provides a way for submitting any concerns regarding the nature and timing of the proposed ambient mode operation to the ICICS Office. If any concerns are received, these will be reviewed by the OME Steering Committee prior to the first scheduled time of operation and, if necessary, result in modifications to or revokation of the respective use permit.

[HH: worded cautiously to give building occupants the feeling they have a real say in this. IMO, ambient mode doesn't need to be announced via e-mail normally, because of its low impact and potential for disruption.]

2.4 During unsupervised operation in ambient mode, the seismic tethers of the movable truss must be correctly attached at all times. If complaints are received during unsupervised operation, an emergency shutoff may be performed by anyone who has undergone an OME orientation and safety briefing and who is authorized to access the OME Control Room; if this occurs, the principal permit holder (as identified in the application and use permit) will be notified as soon as possible.

[HH: really common sense & to limit risk and liability]

2.5 Reconfigurations of the equipment mounted on the OME movable truss, OME fixed truss and OME corner poles are only allowed if specifically detailed in the OME use application and permit. Reconfigurations of the OME stage, except for temporary deployment of additional equipment, are not allowed. Any reconfigurations must be reversible without damage to any OME equipment. After each use, the OME Standard Configuration (see Appendix B) is to be completely and accurately restored.

[HH: main purpose is make people think carefully about reconfiguration, and help us understand what is being done. Any reconfiguration causes wear and carries for damaging equipment, so let's not rule it out, but minimise it.]

2.6 Sound and video recordings using OME equipment (such as the permanently mounted overhead cameras on the upper truss) are only allowed in accordance with UBC policies and require ethics approval.

[HH: I believe this is what UBC policies say, but we should check before finalising this.]

2.7 OME operational limits (including limitations on load and tilt angles for the movable truss) as specified in the "OME Safety Guidelines Form" may not be exceeded under any circumstance.

3. Operational Restrictions for OME Performance Mode Operation

3.1 Audio output is restricted to a maximum level of 90dB (which corresponds to the level of a lawn mower or motorcycle). The OME DSP is to be used in a configuration that enforces this restriction.

3.2 Performance mode operation is not permitted between 7:30 and 17:30 on weekdays. Exceptions to this limitation require explicit authorization by the Director of ICICS and the Head of the Department of Computer Science.

3.3 Any performance mode operation is to be announced to the occupants of the ICICS/CS complex by e-mail, along with a complete list of times and a brief description of the project along with its purposes and goals, at least one week prior to the first scheduled time of operation; at the same time, the use permit is posted on the OME web page. The e-mail announcement is to explicitly invite recipients to submit any concerns regarding the nature and timing of the proposed performance mode operation to the ICICS Office. (An example announcement is provided in Appendix E). Concerns will be reviewed by the OME Steering Committee prior to the first scheduled time of operation and, if necessary, result in modifications to or revocation of the respective use permit.

3.4 During performance mode operation, a person who has undergone an OME orientation and safety briefing must be present either in the ICICS/CS Atrium, or in the OME Control Room (ICCS 162) and supervise OME operation at all times. This supervisor must be identified in the use permit and in the announcement detailed under 3.3.

3.5 Any reconfigurations must be reversible without damage to any OME equipment. After each use, the OME Standard Configuration (see Appendix B) is to be completely and accurately restored.

3.6 Sound and video recordings using OME equipment (such as the permanently mounted overhead cameras on the upper truss) are only allowed in accordance with UBC policies and require ethics approval.

3.7 OME operational limits (including limitations on load and tilt angles for the movable truss) as specified in the "OME Safety Guidelines Form" may not be exceeded under any circumstance.

4. Complaints and Concerns

4.1 All concerns or complaints regarding OME operation will be collected by the ICICS Office and reviewed by the OME Steering Committee. These may lead to modifications to current OME use permits and/or the guidelines and procedures for issuing future permits. Complaints received during unsupervised ambient mode operation may result in an emergency shuttoff (see 2.4).

4.2 Concerns regarding the way applications are handled by the OME Steering Committee or the ICICS Office handles should be brought to the attention of the Director of ICICS.

[HH: 4.2 is really just for completeness sake.]

5. OME Use Permits

5.1 Applications for OME use are submitted to the OME Steering Committe via the ICICS Office, preferably electronically in PDF format.

[HH: we should specify an e-mail address - probably Lara's?]

5.2 Applications can be submitted anytime, but should be received at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the requested OME use for OME ambient mode operation, and at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the requested OME use for OME performance mode operation.

[HH: realistically, we need at least one week to get the committee to look at it + one week for admin work / buffer time; we can internally strive for quicker turnaround and make sure we get things done more quickly for Sid's first use.]

5.3 Applications need to provide the following information:

  1. the OME mode for the requested use (ambient or performance)
  2. the principal applicant (full member of ICICS) responsible for the requested OME use with complete contact information
  3. a list of all people (including staff and students) who will be operating the OME under the requested permit
  4. a list of dates and times for which OME use is requested (including setup and cleanup times); availability of the OME during the requested times should be checked with the ICICS Office prior to submission of the application
  5. a brief description of the proposed use
  6. a detailed description and justification of any modifications to the OME Standard Configuration (see Appendix B)
  7. estimate of the nature and volume of sound playback
  8. a discussion of the impact of the proposed use on ICICS/CS occupants and users, including clear identification of all factors that may be perceived as disruptive
  9. ethics certificate for any use that requires ethics approval (in particular, for any use that involves audio or video recording); in some cases, ethics certificate can be handed in later, but must be in place prior to access to OME equipment being granted
  10. for ambient mode use, a phone number and e-mail address to be used in the case of complaints during unsupervised operation
  11. for performance mode use, the name, phone number and e-mail address of the OME operations supervisor, who must be present in the ICICS/CS Atrium or OME Control Room (ICCS 162) during any OME operation.

An example for an application for ambient use is provided in Appendix C.

[HH: anything missing? note that I propose we have applicants list all times requested, including setup and cleanup - this way, it's easier to avoid scheduling conflicts, building users are better informed, and no real distinction needs to be made between test operation and "production runs" (which would probably be less important for most building users anyway).]

5.4 The OME Steering Committee will review applications on a case-by-case basis. The main purpose of the review is to ensure compliance of the proposed use with the OME use policy and operational restrictions (see Sections 2 and 3 of the policy). Particularly in cases where disruptions to building occupants and users may be expected, or extensive reconfigurations of the OME are requested, the merit of the proposed project in terms of its scientific, artistic or cultural objectives may be taken into consideration.

[HH: this is deliberately vague - seems difficult to give more detail without having had a bit of experience with the process.]

5.5 The review of OME use applications will preferably occur during the regular meetings of the OME Steering Committee, but particularly in cases where time is of the essence, it may also be conducted in additional meetings, including phone and e-mail conferences.

5.5 The review process can have three outcomes: - The application is approved without modifications, and a use permit is issued. - The application is approved with restrictions, and a use permit outlining these restrictions is issued. - The application is returned to the applicant with reasons explaining why it could not be approved; in this cases, the applicant may be encouraged to submit a suitably revised application.

5.6 After a use permit has been issued, the ICICS office staff will ensure that everyone authorized to operate OME equipment under the permit has received or will receive an OME orientation and safety briefing. At the same time, the ICICS office staff will reserve the OME for the times specified in the proposal and, in the case of a performance mode permit or a permit that covers activities causing privacy concerns, send out the general announcement (see Section 3.3 and Appendix E). The use permit will also be posted on the OME web page, where it can be accessed by all ICICS/CS complex occupants and users.

5.7 Keys to the OME Control Room (ICCS 162) and, when needed, to ICCS 164 will be handed to one of the people listed at least 2h prior to the first time listed in the permit, provided that all required OME orientation and safety briefings have been completed and the permit has not been revoked (as a result of concerns received from ICICS/CS occupants). Keys have to be returned to the ICICS Office between any uses spaced more than 8h apart. Keys have to be returned to the ICICS Office staff no later than 1/2 working day (4 working hours) after the end of the last time slot covered by the use permit. [2]

5.8 The principal permit holder will be responsible for any damage to OME equipment or ICICS/CS facilities that occur during the OME use in conjunction with the permit. The principal permit holder is also responsible for restoring the OME Standard Configuration (see Appendix B) at the end of the last time slot covered by the use permit and may be charged a fee if this condition is not met. In case of a lost key, the principal permit holder will be charged for having the lock changed and all keys reissued.

[HH: the latter is to cover our bases in case keys get lost.]

6. Scheduling Conflicts

6.1 Use permits take precedence over applications. Therefore, overlaps in use times between an issued permit and an application are resolved by asking for the application to be revised to avoid the conflict.

6.2 Applications are normally processed in the order in which they were received. Therefore, overlaps in use times between applications are resolved by asking for the application received later to be revised to avoid the conflict, unless there is a substantial difference in the merit of the applications.

6.3 Generally, when scheduling OME use, equal opportunity should be given to potential OME users. Therefore, excessive OME use by some ICICS members may be curbed for the benefit of occasional users, provided such action is justified considering the merit of the respective proposals.

[HH: we can probably word this better, but I think the intention is clear & valid.]

Appendix A: OME Safety Guidelines Form

[HH: to be written - should incorporate max load, tilt angles, description of emergency procedures, critical equipment, procedure for raising/lowering ring, attaching/detaching seismic tethers, securing equipment on truss and poles, etc.]

Appendix B: Specification of OME Standard Configuration

[HH: to be done - should cover physical placement of equipment as well as wiring, switch positions, etc. best illustrated with some drawings/photos.]

Appendix C: Example Application for OME Use (Ambient Mode)

[HH: Sid, can you modify your sample application to fit the slightly revised structure?]

Appendix D: Example OME Use Permit (Ambient Mode)

[HH: to be written]

Appendix E: Example Announcement for OME Performance Mode Use

[HH: to be written - short and sweet]


[1] "Green Zone" is the official new name for the "old" CICSR/CS Building.

[2] Access to ICICS 164 is only needed in cases where the OME lighting system is used.

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-02-08 - HolgerHoos
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