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timerun [time-limit] [cmd] 1> [result-file] 2> [time-file]


Run [cmd] for at most [time-limit] and [cmd] outputs are in [result-file] and runtime information is in [time-file]. If the [cmd] finished before timeout, the true runtime will be writen in [time-file].

You need run this command in bash mode.

-- Main.xulin730 - 01 May 2008

  • timerun: time runs on cluster or any other linux environment


Attached .exe implements Unix "time" for Windows, with POSIX-compliant output formatting. Adapted from code in Microsoft Singularity RDK 2.0.

Note that: 1) timerun.exe will not work for programs which explicitly assign subprocesses to windows JobObjects (extremely unlikely for non-system monitoring software). 2) Requires .NET 3.5 or better 3) Requires Windows 2000 or newer

On some windows systems which otherwise seem to meet these requirements, timerun.exe has been reported to consistently fail, with an "access denied" error, regardless of user account permissions. It is not yet clear to us why this is occurring, or how to fix it.

-- ChrisNell - 06 Jul 2010

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatext timerun r1 manage 14.9 K 2008-05-01 - 01:46 UnknownUser time runs on cluster or any other linux environment
Microsoft Executable fileexe timerun.exe r1 manage 10.0 K 2010-07-06 - 04:35 ChrisNell time runs on windows; requires .NET 3.5 or better, may not work on XP or earlier.
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Topic revision: r3 - 2010-07-07 - ChrisNell
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