create new tag
view all tags
This is how I create new wiki topics here... there may be a smarter way, but I haven't figured it out:
  1. type a WikiWord (multiple words in camel base), in the parent topic you wish to create a child topic from
  2. save the page
  3. if the wiki word hasn't been taken yet, there should be a small ? mark beside it
  4. clicking it will bring you to a new edit page
  5. type something and save the edit page
  6. you've now created a new topic

Sidenote, if you do NOT want to create a new topic when typing something in CamelCase, simply append < nop > (remove spaces) in front of it (or just hit Edit below and see it in code...)

Topic revision: r1 - 2010-05-04 - jujubix
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