To get your first paycheck, you'll almost certainly have to go to the payroll office. Their office is in the General Services Administration Building (GSAB). This is the same office where you turn in most of the other forms that you're supposed to fill out.
For all offices in GSAB, they're only open until 4:30, and there are often long lines. Come early and bring a book.
There is an orientation package for new faculty, but apparently they don't always bother sending them out. If you don't get one, take the trip over to payroll (in GSAB) and complain.
You have to get your office keys at Parking and Access Control Services, which is also (you guessed it) in GSAB.
Weirdly, there is no such thing as an official faculty ID. The closest you'll get is your faculty library card. To get your library card, take your offical appointment letter to Koener Library.
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