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Canadian Immigration and Visa Info

Caveat: this is just a place to gather the info that individuals have accumulated. Things change, so if you get to a point where something seems out of whack, check with a more official source of information to make sure it's up to date.

Work Permit

The faculty relations webpage about this can be found at http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty_relations/immigration/ . The current information from the Canadian government on this can be found at http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/asp/gateway.asp?hr=en/epb/lmd/fw/academic.shtml&hs=hze The current staff contact within the department on this is Sharon Craddock (secretary to the head); if you have questions, ask her.

If you are a US or Mexican citizen, you may be able to get your visa through NAFTA. You will likely need your offer letter and $150 at the YVR airport or the border. Otherwise apply at least 1 month ahead of time through a Canadian embassy for a form, which you can convert to a work permit at the airport (allow several hours for waiting in line). Here's UBC's info on it: http://www.hr.ubc.ca/faculty_relations/recruitmentguide/foreignacademics/other.html

As a US citizen, you're best off getting a visa with the letter from the Human Resources Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) as commented on the faculty relations website. This should give you a 3 year work permit. However, if they don't get you the HRSDC confirmation in time, you're still likely to be able to get a 1 year work permit by going to the border without one. My suggestion is to still get Human Resources to give you the HRSDC #, or you'll have to renew your visa more often later.


Get your Social Insurance Number ASAP by going to the Social Development Canada office. There's one at 125 10th Ave East (hours and other info are at http://www.sdc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/hr-display.cgi?rc=5910&ln=e) and showing your work permit. You will get a receipt showing you applied; give this to the CS office. You will get the number in the mail 2 weeks later; give this to the CS office, and then you will get an UBC employee id.

Renewing Work Permits

Steps to renew:

The information about renewing your work permit can be found at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/extend-worker.html.

Optimally, get this process started at least 3 months in advance by talking to the department's staff member who deals with this (currently Sharon Craddock). Ideally, you'll get a new HRSDC confirmation #; this takes 4-5 weeks. After you send in the forms, the processing time can be up to two months. You can check on the current wait time at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/times/process-in.html

If you are a US or Mexican citizen, you can get your visa renewed without the HRSDC #, though again, it will be for less time; they're supposed to give you a year, but they may give you more if you catch them in a good mood.

If you have sent the paperwork in too late and your current work permit will expire before your new one will be approved, give a copy of your payment receipt to the department staff person who deals with this (currently Sharon Craddock). You'll then continue to live here and to get paid (phew), but you can't leave the country because the folks at the border have no good reason to let you back in. People who need a visa to enter Canada should check with someone more official than this wiki to ensure that this is correct.

After the permit is renewed

After your work permit is renewed, various things will have expired:

  • Get a new SIN card as in the steps above.
  • Your MSP card will expire at the end of the month that your work permit expires. To get a new one, fax a copy of your new work permit along with your MSP # to 250-405-3595 (more contact info can be found at http://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/msp/infoben/contacts.html). If your new MSP card doesn't arrive until after your old one has expired, you may have to pay for doctor visits and get reimbursed. Similarly, in emergencies, they can push it through, so don't worry if you have to go to the hospital. Note that on at least one occasion, they've updated that the MSP coverage information, but neglected to send out a new card, so if you don't get a new card within a month, call them back.
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Topic revision: r6 - 2011-08-23 - TamaraMunzner
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