-last of the CERC info meetings
-vehicle to make investments in important areas
-branding Canada, i.e., via external reviewers
-new cochair, Shirley ??, US univ pres, Cdn?
-(bias? recruiting from outside Cda?)
-phase 1: nothing to do with nominee; mainly instituional
-program not designed to cover things well covered by other programs, e.g., CFI
-$30M/CERC avg per CERC (including in-kind)
2 under $10M,
-10 prov / 10 univ / 10 CERC: water security, global institute
-media friendly chair, e.g., Adrien Owen, vegetative patient awareness
-stats last time
- ICT: 19/135 -> 7/36 for phase two -> 4/19 reviewed
-24 chair offers, 19 accepts
-there were 40 nominations, 20 final chairs
-spread across all career stages
-no female nominees
-at least univ offered CERC's to women, turned down
-panel setup, linked to web site (selection process)
-some program design elements to be improved:
-detail recruitment process
-two streams: rising stars vs established researchers
-# awards closer to # of awards (uncertainty detrimental to recruiting women)
-greater focus on multidisciplinary elements, open categories
-matching funds: can count 60% leverage of CFI (but not 40%); can't count CRC
-extended timelines; no phase 2 deadline year (1 year or separate 9 & 15 month deadlines)
-phase 1: eval criteria 2 &3 combined (now 6 criteria); university interviews now in phase 1
-phase 2: new criteria; same # of chair allocs as avail
-post award: formal mid-term evaluation via peer review; site visit if questions, etc.
-digital economy (ICT) focus; 4 open to all disciplines
-old subpriority areas have been merged (digital economy)
-only role of subpriorities: if two chairs equally strong and we can only do one,
use it to give preference to one; never happened last time
-no need to cater to the subpriority areas -- that is best strategy
-expecting 40-50 proposals; maybe less with matching? 20-25% success rate
-phase 2: much more like CRC; if research makes bar, will be approved
-external experts, independent reviews in isolation (no canadians univ;
-Cdn govt researchers, expats, mostly international researchers
-try to recruit at high level
-1-3 reviews for phase 1; 4-6 for phase 2;
-phase 1: will use one of your suggestions; also CRC college of reviewers; phase 2: two of reviewers
-review panel: summary in comparative context
-provide ratings and summaries; bins;
-university interviews: led by president; finance person, proposal person: dean / head / ...
-likely after initial triage based upon "deal breaker" criteria; two bins
-can give update, answer questions, e.g., grad training programs?
-atleast one person on panel with expertise in equitable recruiting (phase 2 peer review process is a criteria)
-phase one: can ask about plans
-smaller (12-15), broad review panel, will add external experts
-selection board: where is bar, then do strategic investment assessment
-do we have a strategic advantage (phase one)
-create top 10 plus a ranked reversion list
-membership partly appointed (chair, co-chair), chair of NSERC/SSHRC/CIHR agencies
-president of European research council; nobel prize winners, ...
-steering ctte: process overview: conflicts, robust, ..., then approve
-president of CFI, deputy minister for industry, health, ...
-last time anecdote:
-10min presentations for phase two, etc.
-phase 1: just need expected budget tables;
-phase 2: letters of confirmation for matching, etc.
-will be a requirement first year; award frozen if funding not in place
-phase 1:
-determine best institutions and research areas in which to establish chairs
-have a handful of people in mind; did not get top 1,2,3 people for most univ in round 1
-scope: broad but not too broad
DBC: deal breaker criteria
C1: establish global leadership in area; be honest, i.e., if #3 say so, but will be #1; key people, collaborations, NCEs, ...
-alignment with provincial priorities
-describe policy component
C2: promise of field (tell your story: impact, institutional vision)
-e.g., oil sands: already have best experts, but add something
-two arctic proposals in last round; cited each other; went for related but different proposals
-process also applies to leveraging existing CERC
-strategic advice: selection board has large # of proposals, needs to choose 10
"if you're already that good, it won't have impact", did happen in the first round
-describe benefits and impact of investment
-describe unique leadership role at university, i.e., junior person joining senior term
-key to success: find 1-3 people who champion proposal, researcher, etc.; vision for discipline, institution
-also to help chair once they arrives; met by VPR at airport, etc.
C3: benefit to Canada
-global benefit ok, e.g., HIV
-moving within Canada: unlikely to be seen as being of net benefit to Canada
-cite sub priority areas if appropriate; but not key
C4: sustainability of chair after seven years
-some or all of momentum will be maintained
-phase 2: for career capper, have succession plan; for more junior, something else
C5: institution leverage + matching
-in first round, leverage ranged $8-80 M; budgets were not an issue in phase two
-building ok as in-kind
-$20M avg leverage: 4.6 M, 9M, 7M typical univ / prov / other
-Quebec, Sask, Alta matched the CERC award
-phase 1: describe how fund raising would work
C6: anticipated impact on public policy, commercialization
Don't want a weak score in any of the criteria.
Phase 2 evaluation criteria
C1: excellence of researcher: also potential to lead institute, leadership and integration role, etc.
C2: quality of institutional recruitment process
-key is in defining the short list; how well have you headhunted
-first competition: building around handful of names in mind
C3: excellence of the proposed research
C4: fit with Phase 1 proposal;
-one example in last round where there was no longer not a fit, so was rejected
-May 28 phase one; interviews in first or second week of Sept
-notification of receipt in two weeks
-beginning of July: will know about interview triage
-Oct/Nov 2012 phase one results known: top list, or rank on recall list
-phase 2: Oct/Nov 2012 launch, deadline TBA, results approx 3 months after deadline
-if on rank reversion list, given same full timeline
613-996-0354 (but leaving progam at end of April)
Thomas Ryan, program officer
MichielVanDePanne - 30 Jan 2012