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Doctors and Dentists

Some recommendations on doctors, dentists, and other medical specialists..


  • Heather Jenkins, Chaldecott Clinic, near Dunbar and King Edward: I've used her as my general practitioner for the last year, and she's been great. Very good bedside manner, willing to fit you in quickly for an appointment if you really need one, seems to know what she's doing (as far as a Philosophical Doctor can tell!). Not that I've availed myself of the service personally, but the clinic specializes in Ob/Gyn. SteveWolfman - 28 Jul 2005


  • Susan Hupfau, #510 2425 Oak (at 8th), 604-732-3348 Our family has been quite happy with them for checkups and small stuff. Michiel - 17 Aug 2005
  • Angelique Leung, 1190 W 8th Ave, 604-736-3545 I haven't had many dentists, but I've been happy with her (recommended by a couple people in my choir). She and her husband Raymond are both UBC alumni (ugrad and dentistry) and are still involved in the dental school here. She strikes me as being knowledgeable when I ask her questions, but very laid back about treatment. E.g., in the Bay Area, I went to this dentist who immediately said I had severe gum recession (which I do) and needed gum grafts. He referred me to his friend the oral surgeon. The oral surgeon agreed with the diagnosis, said it was due in part to my bite (which is messed up a bit), and referred me to his friend the orthodontist. The orthodontist said I definitely really needed braces, probably for a long, long time; then, I would get my gum grafts. When it turned out that my student health insurance wouldn't cover orthodontics, they all agreed that I should wait until I graduated, when I'd have better dental coverage. In contrast, when I showed up here, Dr. Leung noticed I had really bad gum recession, said it was probably from brushing too hard, told me to brush less hard and floss more, and said I didn't need gum grafts (at least not yet, and maybe never). Fairview Dental Centre Alan Hu - 16 August 2005
  • Michael Drance, http://www.vancouverdentist.com. 1328 Alberni Street (Coal Harbour), 604.669.1111 He's very high-tech, friendly, competent. He was voted best dentist in Vancouver for the past two years by the Georgia Straight readers' poll. smile Kevin Leyton-Brown - 17 August 2005

  • Mel Schneider - W.41st and Cambie - 263-1701. I've been going to him for about 15 years. He teaches at UBC in some capacity as an adjuct or whatever. I've always found him to be excellent, really into prevention, doesn't do work unecessarily, explains what he's doing really well and he's really friendly. Hey, just look at my teeth - they're in pretty good shape!:-) - Gayle Mavor.

  • Serena Lau - on Fraser St., near 49th. I've been going here for the past 10-15 years. Very friendly staff. Serena is quite good. - Ed Knorr

  • Periodontist (gums) Dr. Scott Yamaoka - on 8th Avenue at Oak St. I had gum surgery here in June 2005 for a severely receding gumline by a molar (the procedure is called "connective tissue graft" surgery). The procedure was relatively painless, took about 35 minutes, he followed up by telephone at night to see how I was doing, and it healed quickly. No scars, etc. - Ed Knorr
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