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-- KelloggBooth - 05 Mar 2009

A number of faculty members have expressed interest in the mechanics of accepting an intern from another country (in particular from one of the IIT campuses, but presumably the principles are the same for students from most countries). Here is what I have found out.

* Making an offer in January or early February should be early enough for a student from India to obtain the necessary visa for arrival some time in May. (This is based on past experience of other faculty members.)

* Internships are not paid positions. They are visiting students. We can pay their travel expenses and living expenses.

* Apparently Applied Science (or ECE) has a mechanism under which interns are enrolled in a special course that was created for that purpose. Computer Science does not have such a course.

* Here is a Sample letter offering an internship that is based on letters previously used within the department.

* The sample letter is careful to not offer a salary, only to pay expenses, and it leaves all of the immigration issues on the student. The letter is intended to be used by the student for immigration purposes.

* The letter is sent c/o a faculty member who has written a letter of reference for the student. (Presumably this is to ensure that the internship is part of the student's academic program.)

* The amounts given in the letter are based on previous internships within the department. The airfare is based on a current estimate of actual airfare. The lodging allowance is per month. The wording for the other allowance is ambiguous. Future letters should clarify whether this is a one-time allowance or a monthly allowance.

* There appears to be no departmental authorization required for a faculty member to send a letter. It is possible this should be considered in future.

* On-campus housing may be available in the summer through Campus Housing. Students must provide documentation of their status as summer interns to be eligible for on-campus housing (the above letter offering an internship should suffice).

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Microsoft Word filedoc IndiaIntern.doc r1 manage 22.5 K 2009-03-05 - 23:16 KelloggBooth Sample letter offering an internship
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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-03-06 - KelloggBooth
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