From: Tamara Munzner <>
Subject: new brown bag format, take
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 21:07:38 -080
Hi folks,
Another brown bag is upon us tomorrow. We tried the new format as a
science experiment last time (10/6), then took a straw poll at the end
to decide whether to
a) revert to old format
b) keep new format but refine by killing the remix phase
c) keep new format exactly
Plan B had the large majority, so we'll continue for a bit. So the
major format change is that we no longer have the "remix", where
everybody switches seats halfway through the chatting/eating stage.
Note that this format has the elegant property of having a built-in
termination mechanism. If you don't like it, propose the topic of
"BBag format change". If enough people vote for it, we'll then discuss
how to change or kill it.
Four refinements I plan to implement this time as ringmaster, creeping
my way along the learning curve:
1) Voting scheme clarification/adjustment: you may vote for up to
three topics. You may change your vote(s) at any time up to 1pm,
just erase your old tally mark and put it elsewhere. if you post a
topic yourself, consider also voting for it! Posting and voting for
what you posted are decoupled. That allows anybody, including the
ringmaster, to post a topic by request from somebody not attending
without causing that to be an implicit vote.
2) Load-balancing over time in voting: vote early (and possibly
often)! Remember that you can change your votes as often as you want,
for instance if somebody posts a new topic that's more compelling
than what was up when you voted previously, or you are swayed by
noticing the votes of others or when chatting. A good algorithm: if
you glance over at the whiteboard and see that there are no or few
people in front of it, please pop over and vote. If everybody waits
until the last five minutes, there's a traffic jam in front of the
whiteboards. But I'll still bring more whiteboard markers so that
we're at least floorspace-bound instead of marker-bound in the
unlikely event that you all don't follow directions perfectly :).
3) Single tables: We should spread out the tables so that people are
sitting around a single table, rather than the two-table larger
configuration we had last time. The noise level was high enough that
you can only hear a small region around you anyway, this way the
entire small table has a shot at conversing together.
4) Ringmaster positioning: Ringmaster will sit in the middle of the
room rather than near the edge, so as to minimize the flying poker
chip hazards to innocent bysitters.
Format reminder:
Stage 0: Rearrange 12:30-12:35
- If you get there in the first few minutes, consider helping move
tables/chairs so that we're spread out with chairs around single
Stage 1: Eat/Propose/Vote/Local Chat 12:35-1:00,
- Eat your lunch while chatting with your neighbors. You can also
spread out into the lounge where it's quieter. Don't sit next to the
people you talk to a lot (same group, same commitees, etc) - sit next
to somebody you haven't talk with in a while.
- At any time, propose topics by writing them on the whiteboard. If
you or a group has done any kind of preparation that will make the
discussion likely to be more productive, say so! If you've prepared
enough that you want to provide written materials to read ahead of
time, send the URL for those out to the faculty beforehand. Anybody
can do this, not just official committee heads.
- At any time, vote by putting a tally mark next to a topic that you
want to discuss. You have a total of three tally marks to use and you
can move them whenever you want.
- The ringmaster will distribute two poker chips to each person.
Stage 2: Group Discussion 1:00-1:50
- At 1:00 the voting is over and ringmaster will call the folks in
the lounge to come into the conference room and close the doors.
Ringmaster will count up the tallies and write the vote counts as an
integer by each topic. We'll start with the highest-ranked topic,
possibly trying to fit in more than one.
- Silently wave your hand when you want to be added to the talking
queue. kept by the ringmaster. The ringmaster will acknowledge you're
on with eyecontact/nod. Ringmaster reserves the right to reorder the
queue a bit to facilitate discussion, but FCFS worked well last time.
- Every time you get called on, toss a chip to the ringmaster. If you
say "out of chips", there will be a few seconds in which somebody can
choose pay for you by tossing the ringmaster one of their chips.
Otherwise we'll move directly on to the next person in the queue.
Even the ringmaster must pitch in a chip when discussing as opposed
to ringmastering.
Stage 3: Put back tables. 1:50-1:55
- Volunteers welcome.
Stage 4: Scribe posts notes on wiki. After meeting is over.
- Thanks to David K for scribing last time. We're not transcribing
the discussion. But we're recording the topics suggested and which
ones were highly ranked, for some institutional memory. We're also
documenting action items for committees or people results from the
discussion. These are posted on the faculty wiki:
Finally, in the spirit of minimizing spam, consider this mail
informational and do not reply to the list. If you have suggestions or
complaints or whatever, send directly to me.
Over and out, see you tomorrow in x736.
Tamara, Brown Bag Ringmaster
-- Main.tmm - 03 Nov 2005