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Environment Setup for ACME

Follow the following operations to set up your UNIX acocunt for using ACME. Most commands can be put into your cshrc file.

  • Set the environment variable ACME to /lci/project/pai/acme/ACME_2.0

  • Add $ACME/bin to your path

  • On the host kiewa, you also need to set some environment variables and shell aliases related to the RCCL software that controls the gantry, linear stages, and PUMA robot. You can do this by sourcing either of the following scripts:
    • source $ACME/scripts/rcclX86_csh # for csh or tcsh
    • source $ACME/scripts/rcclX86_bash # for sh, ksh, or bash

If your shell is the tcsh, you can add the following lines to your csh_init/cshrc:

# ACME setup
if ( $?SHORTHOST ) then
        if ( $SHORTHOST == "kiewa" ) then
                setenv RCCL /lci/project/pai/rccl/rccl.5.1
                setenv ACME /lci/project/pai/acme/ACME_2.0
                setenv PATH ${PATH}:$ACME/bin
                # MANPATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH need to be defined
                # otherwise, the rccl script will bail out prematurely
                if ( ! $?MANPATH ) then
                        setenv MANPATH .
                if ( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH) then
                        setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH .
                source $ACME/scripts/rcclX86_csh

-- WolfgangHeidrich - 24 Nov 2005

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Topic revision: r4 - 2005-12-16 - WolfgangHeidrich
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