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CS 260 Course TA and Marker information page

The course web page is at: http://www.ugrad.cs.ubc.ca/~cs260/

Course Staff Contact Information

Please provide a phone number where you can be reached in case the instructor needs to contact you.

Petter Haggholm 1-604-785-9588 haggholm@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca
Andrei Lifchits phone alifchit@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca
Zephyr Liu phone zephyr@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca
David He phone only001ppm@hotmailDELETEthisTEXT.com
Billy Ta phone bta@interchangeDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca
Yang Yin phone yingyin@interchangeDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca

Regular Course Staff Meeting

TBD (ICCS X618 - Digital Screening Room)

Lab 1 marking instructions

TAs need to do the following marking during Lab 1. Bring a complete hardcopy of the marking spreadsheet with you to each lab.

1. Check off each student who has Attended the lab. If a student is not registered in any lab, tell the student he/she must register. If a student is registered in a different lab, tell the student he/she must either go to the correct lab or change his/her registration (but if there is room in the lab, let the student stay for the lab session). Put your initials in the TA column for students you mark and put the lab section in the Lab column if the student is not registered in the lab section in the Reg column, so we know which lab he/she attended (you can leave this blank if the student is registered in the lab section).

2. Check that students have implemented the erase() method for IntSet. The following is a correct implementation. There are many variants. You need to look at the code and see if it is plausible. If it looks like there are problems (or if the testing shows errors in the next step) offer students advice on how to fix things. Give them a mark of 1.0 or 0.5 accordingly.

<pre>void IntSet::erase( int target )
// Mutator
// POST: if target is in the IntSet, the target is removed from the IntSet;
//       otherwise nothing is done and the IntSet is unchanged
    for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if ( data[ i ] == target )
            data[i] = data[count];

3. Check that they have linked their IntSet.o with IntSet-tester.o to produce the executable IntSet-tester and watch it run. It will print out a summary of errors. If there are no errors, the student gets 1.0. If there are errors the student gets 0.5. If the student cannot execute IntSet-tester the student gets 0.0.

All other marking will be done by scripts. You are only responsible for these two columns in the spreadsheet. The Marking Scheme tells students to show you that they have a correct Title.txt file and that they have executed the handin command. You can ask them about this, but you do not have to record a mark.

First Course Staff Meeting

10:30-11:30 AM, Friday, September 8, 2006 (ICCS 618 - Digital Screening Room)

TA Section Scheduling

Please place your preferences in the appropriate column for each section ("Prefer", "OK", "Bad", "No"). The bold face entries are when each TA is assigned to a lab.

Each TA attends four (4) labs. There are only two TAs for the course.

Each undergrad marker attends two (2) or three (3) labs.

Section Day Time Students Andre Petter Zephyr David Billy Yang
L2A Mon 12-14h 39 OK No N/A OK 1st hour No
L2E Mon 14-16h 23 OK OK N/A No No No
L2G Mon 16-18h 20 OK OK N/A OK No OK
L2D Mon 18-20h 20 No No Prefer No OK OK
L2H Tue 14-16h 32 OK Prefer N/A No OK No
L2B Wed 12-14h 30 OK No N/A OK No OK
L2C Wed 16-18h 32 OK OK N/A OK No OK
L1F Thu 14-16h 24 OK Prefer N/A No OK No

Indicate any caveats here:

  • Petter: CPSC502 (Artificial Intelligence I), lecture Monday & Wednesday 12:30 - 14:00
  • Petter: Karate practice Monday (& Wednesday) 18:30 - 20:00
  • (classes you are taking that conflict)
  • Andrei: my meal plan includes dinners 6-7:30 Mon-Thu


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Topic revision: r79 - 2006-09-11 - KelloggBooth
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