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-- JamesGregson - 29 Jan 2013

Czarship Duties

Czar of Czars

  • Maintain current list of Czarships and Czars
  • Work with faculty to fill Czarships left vacant by leaving students
  • Periodically review list of Czarships and cull those that are no longer necessary

Demonstration Planning and Scheduling


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  • Maintain list of demo sub-czars for each group
  • Contact faculty once per year to confim that sub-czar list is up to date
  • Update demo log at https://bugs.cs.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/twiki/view/Imager/LabDemos
  • When demos are scheduled:
    • Liaise with the organiser and confirm that rooms and times have been scheduled appropriately
    • Inform sub-czars of upcoming demo slot and request list of students available to demo
    • Draw up demo schedule
    • If necessary, escort guest(s) between labs
    • Ensure demo sessions do not run under/over-time
  • Each sub-czars is responsible for soliciting demos from his/her group

Faculty Liaison

Make sure job-person matches get updated a few times a year as people join/leave the group.

Linux Admin

Contact point for helpdesk-administered Linux workstation issues. Participate in weekly imager-tech meeting. Has sudo access for emergencies.

Macintosh Admin

None now, no apparent need.

Windows Admin

Contact point for Windows workstation issues. This includes staff-supported as well as self-administered machines.

Has admin access to staff-supported Windows machines, for use in urgent cases only.


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Video editing and recording

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Lab Infrastructure

Cleaning/Organization (x660)

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Cleaning/Organization (X508)

Nag labmates to keep lab presentable; ongoing and in charge of periodic specific cleanups (e.g. once a term, before a special event, etc.)

Cleaning/Organization (SSL)

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Main duties:

  • Purchase milk and espresso/tea for the Imager coffee pool as needed
  • Submit receipts to the Accounting Czar
  • Maintain cleaning supplies and periodically clean the Imager coffee machine
Detailed duties:
  1. Keep an eye on the coffee machine to make sure it’s running smoothly
    • If it breaks, it’s up to you to troubleshoot or negotiate with the lab to buy a new one. This one was introduced ~2012ish.
  2. Monitor coffee bean levels.
    • Beans are stored next to the machine.
    • If the bean level gets low, notify the Pop Pool czar and, if necessary, pick up a bag
    • Keep your receipts; you will be reimbursed from the Pop Pool for any purchases.
    • Try to purchase coffee cost-effectively. We try to buy coffee from Costco on the big pop pool shopping trips, but the campus Starbucks will work in a pinch. If you’d like to pick a specific coffee, just make sure that the price of a cup ($0.35, I believe) is higher than the cost to actually make that cup.
  3. Monitor milk levels and replace as needed.
    • Milk is stored in the fridge, please label it with a sharpie as “Lab” or “Pop Pool”
    • Pick up milk as needed. Most grocery stores will be cost effective enough.
    • Keep your receipts; you will be reimbursed from the Pop Pool for any purchases.
    • You may need to adjust the size of the milk depending on how many people are using it.
  4. Monitor tea levels (similar to milk, except not stored in the fridge wink )
  5. Other coffee/amenities, like sugar, fall in under the coffee+milk czar
  6. You are the liaison to the coffee machine. Learn how the milk steamer works. Paste funny coffee-related pictures around the machine. Help others if they have trouble. Etc.

Additional Info:

A previous study shows that 1 pound (0.453 g) of beans can serve approximately 40 coffees. Considering the price for a cup as $0.35, we have 40 x 0.35 = $14 as the maximum value for 1 pound of coffee to be purchased without creating a budget deficit. For instance, 1 pound of coffee at Starbucks costs $17.95, which is above this threshold. Coffee purchased at CostCo or SaveOnFoods are cheaper.


  • Collect bubble sheets for pop/coffee pool
  • Maintain balances owing (update balances from bubble sheets and take payments)
  • Regularly send out collection notices to collect outstanding funds
  • Reimburse the Espresso/Milk Czar and Pop/Food Shopping Czar for supplies purchased for the pools

Pop/Food Shopping

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Printer and Paper Supplies

  • Ensure there is always enough paper in the printer room. Boxes of paper can be obtained from ICCS 212.
  • Ensure printer is always functioning; contact help as needed.



  • Find speakers for every week.
  • Get title/topic/abstract information before the presentation, and send out emails to the mailing list.
  • Update the AMoRe website (http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/Meetings/amore.html)
  • Update the calendar visible on the website.
  • Book the room - usually many months are booked at a time.



  • Update and maintain the IMAGER website
  • Maintain and fix items specified in the Imager Web : Status & To-Do list


  • Update the IMAGER publication list (both papers and theses).
  • Responsible for updating the IMAGER publication page linked to the departmental page.
  • Remind the group to update their own publication list in the IMAGER space and send the new addition link to imager-web@csDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca.

Social Functions


  • Organizing the annual parties (summer beach, often winter event too)


  • Organizing annual parties
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