Generalized Biped Walking Control


-- MichielVanDePanne - 24 Nov 2011

(a) What is the contribution of the paper? The authors present a generalized real-time control strategy for walking bipedal characters. Specific tuning with respect to parameters or characters is not required, the controller is robust to disturbances, and control strategies can be successfully authored by non-expert users. The research integrates a series of constituent components that have existed in the control literature for 16 years. (b) How are the results evaluated? Results are provided in the form of two videos. Results show that the proposed walking control models were able to generalize across (1) gait parameters (both forward and backward), (2) styles (authored by novice users), (3) characters (with arbitrary proportions) and (4) tasks (such as reaching, moving a crate, navigating around obstacles/stairs and in crowds). (c) Is the paper reproducible? Yes. Source code is provided by the authors, along with all implementation details (parameters, etc.) required to reproduce the simulation in ODE. (d) How could the paper research or paper writing be improved? No complaints here. wink

-- DanielTroniak - 24 Nov 2011

This study combines four components in a novel way that allows the proposed model to achieve a control mechanism for physically-simulated walking motions. As a result, the controller generalizes across gait parameters, motion styles, character proportions, and a variety of skills. It also provides a user-friendly tool such that even novice users can create a character of desired proportions and see the resulting motion for that character immediately.

The results are evaluated with different gait parameters, i.e. walking forwards-backwards, varying walking speeds, and stepping frequencies, and turning towards a desired direction. The study shows the control over gait parameters for characters with different body types and for different styles. Moreover, generalization of several motion styles are also shown with the accompanying videos. It is alsoshown that the framework is capable of generalizing across a variety of characters with varying proportions and tasks such as reaching, pulling/pushing a crate, etc. The user interface for the authoring of the motion styles and character proportions is also tested by novice users for its ease of usability. The framework is tested under different parameters, such as with doubled and halved PD-gains, varying alpha values for the IPM. Lastly, contributions of each control component is analyzed and shown in the provided videos.

The framework is reproducible, as the source code is open-source, and the methodology of the implementation is detailed enough to follow.

In general, the paper is well-organized. The sections are divided meaningfully, and easy to follow.

-- Main.ooguz - 24 Nov 2011

Contribution The paper presents an easily-generalizable control scheme for physically-based walking bipeds. The control scheme incorporates as components a set of previously existing control strategies that are well-developed and understood. Furthermore, a system for non-expert authoring of walking motions is demonstrated.

Evaluation The system is evaluated by demonstrating the generalization of the control scheme over various different aspects of a virtual walking character: the gait, the walking style, the character body shape. The control scheme is also evaluated using a number of task-based simulations such as reaching for an object, navigating uneven terrain and obstacles, and even moving a heavy object.

Reproducibility The paper is very much reproducible due to both the detailed description of the algorithms involved, as well as the freely available source code.

Improvements The paper is well-organized and well-written, making it easy to understand the concepts presented within. I have no significant criticisms of the research content either.

-- Main.cdoran - 24 Nov 2011

Contribution :

parameterized biped walking that allows realtime control is suggested. Character styles (i.e. shape and structure) can be changed in realtime. Generalized control for variety of walking based skills are also developed.

Results Evaluation:

The basic balance control parameters are determined based on the control framework. Other factors are determined for optimum performace viz., friction coefficient, character mass, PD control gain etc. A human model containing a total DOF of 37 (including 6 for global positioning) is used. Dynamics are simulated using ODE with a time step of .0005 seconds. Results corresponding to generalization accross gait, style, characters and tasks are computed and explained.


I believe the paper is reproducible. All the parameter selections are backed with proper explainations. Although, exact reproduction should be time consuming given the task of learning the techniques that have been referred to other papers, for instance the invert pendulum model (IPM) and SIMBICON.


Although, overall the writing style is good and up to point. Some of the text could have been swapped out by pseudo code and/or algorithmic description of methodology.

-- Main.sumanm - 24 Nov 2011

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