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HCI@UBC Working Group Wiki

This page is for folks working on the HCI@UBC website

Faculty: Karon MacLean, Joanna McGrenere, Kelly Booth

Grad students: Karen Parker, Dmitry Nekrasovski, Tony Tang, Joseph Luk

Minutes from Nov. 9 meeting


  • Who is in the community?
  • Core vs. peripheral groups
  • Core: probably 10-15 faculty members


  • Site was originally envisioned as promotional tool, branding, interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Agreed on this as the primary objective, with internal awareness as a desirable by-product
  • Agreed that site will be updated by 1-2 interested students, who will also solicit content from core group on a regular basis

Motivations for maintaining site

  • Faculty don't have the cycles
  • Assigned lab duty for students doesn't work
  • Must be motivated by student interest, desire to promote own work

For next meeting

  • Karen to create accounts for student team
  • Team members to put up sample news items, port basic static information from old site
  • Send out prototype, proposed sitemap several days in advance for faculty feedback

-- JosephLuk - 16 Nov 2005

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Microsoft Word filedoc HCIUBCspec081105.doc r1 manage 117.0 K 2005-11-16 - 06:53 JosephLuk  
Topic revision: r1 - 2005-11-16 - JosephLuk
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