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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf brian_likert.pdf r1 manage 275.5 K 2014-06-13 - 21:48 PeterBeshai Email from Brian Gleeson on doing stats on Likert-formatted data
PDFpdf completed_ethics_application.pdf r1 manage 862.8 K 2014-06-13 - 22:16 PeterBeshai A sample completed ethics application
Microsoft Word filedocx consent_form_ver1.1.docx r1 manage 25.9 K 2014-06-13 - 22:12 PeterBeshai A sample consent form
Microsoft Word filedocx receipt_generic.docx r1 manage 23.4 K 2014-06-13 - 21:42 PeterBeshai Receipt sheet for participants to sign after doing the experiment
Microsoft Word filedocx recruitment_email_ver1.1.docx r1 manage 17.9 K 2014-06-13 - 22:13 PeterBeshai A sample recruitment email
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Topic revision: r3 - 2014-06-16 - PeterBeshai
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