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Hardware Failures

Hardware Failures


Addax Failed 06/05/05 2 Tamara Munzner
  6th May failure. Addax hard
drive has failed again. We
are at the second
replacement, third drive, for
Initial Notes:
a) New drive is needed asap, computer is idle and
needed by Alex Merritt.
b) What can we do to either isolate the failure or
replace addax?

~23May. Hard Drive Replaced. Help Desk is looking
at monitoring temperature in unit, though some
believe failure resulted to poor environment (e.g.: air
dust). SEVERITY DROPPED FROM 3 to 2 for now
since machine is usable.
June-No temp sensor available. Not clear what to do
from from here. Talk to Tamara.

20Jun. Tamara says if this PC is a lemon, then it is a
lemon and there is not much we can do except
continue to replace the hard drive until funds are
available to replace the machine.

3 Aug 05-keeping this one open a bit longer while we
wait to see if there are more problems with addax.

9 Jan 06. Addax has probably reached the max number of hard drive replacements.


Topic revision: r1 - 2006-01-09 - shruthi
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