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Imager Socials


See also the "imager-lab" google calendar.

Held on 4th Wed of month, generally Sept-Nov, Jan-May.

Current Moderator: Karon MacLean (history at bottom of page)

Imager socials are held in x836 as a mix of socializing and short talks:

  • 12:30: pizza and informal chatting
  • 12:45-1:00, 1:05-1:20: two 10-minute talks (+5m questions each), pitched at level for all of Imager)
  • between the two talks: announcements, arrivals/departures, news events
  • til 2: finish the pizza and chatting.


  • Imager faculty claim slots at start of term, and take responsibility for identifying a speaker (themselves, an articulate grad or postdoc) and a title.
  • Moderator reminds faculty owner and/or speaker 2-3 weeks in advance to supply speaker/title
  • Moderator announces forum a few days in advance of event, and again the same day.
  • Imager GA deals with pizza.

IMAGER Social Schedule 2013/14

  • June 25th - usually cancelled; Imager BBQ?

  • May 28th
    1. Graphics:
    2. HCI:
  • April 23rd
    1. Graphics:
    2. HCI:
  • March 26th
    1. Graphics: Boris Dalstein
    2. HCI:
  • February 26th - cancelled

  • January 22nd: Final Siggraph deadline Jan 22. Evening party following week? or in Feb?
    1. full period: Siggraph review? Too close? or else cancel?

  • November 27th
    1. HCI - Oliver Schneider (PhD; MacLean): "Haptic Jazz: Collaborative Touch with the Haptic Instrument"
    2. Graphics - James Gregson (PhD; Heidrich): "Fluid velocity estimation"
  • October 23rd
    1. HCI - Juliette Link (MSc; McGrenere/Booth): "A Model and Analysis of Two-handed Interaction with a Keyboard and Pointing Device"
    2. Graphics - Daniel Troniak/Chuan Zhu (MSc; van de Panne/Pai): "Structured Predictions from Sensorimotor Data during Non-prehensile Manipulation"
  • September 25th
    1. Introductions

IMAGER Social Schedule 2012/13

  • September 26th
    1. Introductions
  • October 24th
    1. HCI - Louise Oram (MSc; MacLean): Interacting with Radiology Images
    2. Graphics - Mikhail Bessmeltsev (MSc; Alla Sheffer): "Design-Driven Quadrangulation of Closed 3D Curves"
  • November 28th
    1. HCI - Diane Tam (MSc; MacLean/McGrenere): "A Haptic Notification System for Timing Awareness During Oral Presentations."
    2. Graphics - Shuo Shen (MSc; van de Panne): "The Uprising of Simulated Characters"
  • January 23rd
    1. SIGGRAPH video show
  • February 27th
    1. HCI/Vis - Matei Negulescu (PhD; McGrenere): A Recognition Safety Net: Bi-Level Thresholding for Mobile Motion Gestures
    2. Graphics - Ben Humberston (MSc; Pai): Dihaptic: An Intuitive Interface for Creating Dexterous Manipulations
  • March 27th
    1. HCI - Idin Karuei (PhD; MacLean): "Rhythm Susceptibility Study"
    2. Graphics - Essex Edwards (PhD; Bridson): "Fine Water on Coarse Grids"
  • April 24th
    1. Graphics - Todd Keeler (PhD; Bridson): "Smoke and Waves and Integral Equations"
    2. Graphics - Stephen Ingram (PhD; Munzner): title TBA
  • May 22nd
    1. HCI - Syavash Nobarany (PhD; Booth): How do reviewing motivations differ across reviewers?
    2. Graphics - Chongyang Ma (Postdoc; Sheffer): Dynamic Element Textures
  • June 26th. Cancelled.

  • July 24th. SIGGRAPH week. Probably cancel this.

IMAGER Social Schedule 2011/12 W1

  • September 28th
    1. HCI - Mona Haraty (PhD; McGrenere): "A field investigation of personal task management"
    2. Viz - Michael Sedlmair (PDF; Munzner): "Characterizing Dimensionally Reduced Data: Human Judgement vs. Quality Metrics"
  • October 26th
    1. HCI - Idin Karuei (PhD) and Oliver Schneider (MSc) (MacLean): "A Frequency Based Gait Measurement Algorithm for Mobile Phones"
    2. Graphics - Matthias Hullin (PDF; Heidrich): "Bixels"
  • November 23rd Problems & challenges in graphics
  • March 28th
    1. Graphics - Alla Sheffer: "Garment Resizing"
    2. Graphics/Neuro - Timothy Edmunds (PDF; Pai): "Virtual Surgeries for Probing Motor Control"
  • April 25th
    1. HCI - John Harris (Phd; MacLean) - "The Joys of Making Real Things"
    2. Graphics - Shailen Agrawal (Phd; van de Panne) - "Crowd Sourcing Controllers for Character Animation"
  • May 23rd
    1. HCI/Visualization - Matthew Brehmer (PhD; Munzner / McGrenere) - "Document mining in data journalism: 2 evaluation projects"
    2. Graphics - Robert Bridson

IMAGER Social Schedule 2010/11 W2

  • January 26th - canceled in lieu of Jan 28 Imager Party
  • February 23rd
    1. HCI - Garth Shoemaker (new postdoc; Booth): "Body Centric Interaction with Very Large Wall Displays"
    2. Graphics - Ben Jones (MSc; van de Panne): "I've fallen and I CAN get up. Fall recovery controllers for physically simulated characters"
  • March 23rd
    1. Graphics - Gordon Wetzstein (PhD; Heidrich) - "Glasses-Free 3D Displays of the Future"
    2. HCI - Charlotte Tang (postdoc; McGrenere) - "Computer Use and Interruptions in the Home"
  • April 27th
    1. Viz - Stephen Ingram (PhD; Munzner) - "Large Document Corpus Visualization for Data Journalism"
    2. HCI - Steve Yohanan (PhD; MacLean) - "Social Human-Robot Interaction through Affective Touch"
  • May 25th
    1. Graphics - Tyson Brochu (PhD; Bridson): "Really, Really Robust Collision Detection."
    2. Graphics - Ron Maharik (MSc; Sheffer): "Context-Aware Garment Modeling"
  • June 22nd - replaced by Imager Spring/Summer Beach Party
  • July 27th - no social
  • August 24th - no social
  • September 28th
  • October 26th
  • November 23rd

IMAGER Social Schedule 2010

  • August 25th
  • September 22nd
    1. Stelian Coros (postdoc; van de Panne)
    2. David Levine (postdoc; Pai).
  • October 27th
    1. Jeff Hendy (PhD; Booth / McGrenere):"Graphically Enhanced Keyboard Accelerators"
    2. Vincent Levesque (Postdoc; MacLean):"Enhancing Physicality in Touch Interaction with Programmable Friction".
  • November 24th - Pizza only
  • December 22nd - canceled - holiday.

IMAGER Social Schedule 2006

2006 Imager Socials schedule

ISocial czar responsibilities and history

ISocial Czar responsibilities

  • Send out general call for speakers, to faculty, at beginning of term (try to fill whole term)
  • 1 week in advance (can do at imager facstaff mtg)
    • Remind speakers
    • Ask for news announcements from faculty
    • Add these to news on website
  • At event & afterwards:
    • Announce news events
    • Announce speakers

Frequency of participation

  • 4-5 socials in a given term -> 8-10 slots or about one for each of us.
    • -> Every faculty should be represented by a talk (student, postdoc, self) ~once during term
    • Co-supervised by two imager faculty -> only counts half smile
  • Shut down for Jun-Aug
  • Replaced by Imager party, sometime in summer, and in January (2011).

Position held by:

  • 2014 W1 - Karon
  • 2013-13 W2 - Dinesh
  • 2012-13 W2 - Alla
  • 2011-12 W1 - Karon
  • 2010-11 W2 - Karon
  • 2010-11 W1 - Tamara (inaugural)
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