---+ Imager equipment and operating instructions Here you can find (and contribute) information about Imager equipment (video cameras, microphones, DVD burners, software, etc) and how to operate them. ---++ Video and audio recording equipment * DV Video Cameras: * Sony DCR VX2000: we have three of these cameras. The BBC uses these and has a [[http://www.bbctraining.com/pdfs/dvguides/VX2000Guide.pdf][usage guide]] as well as a [[http://www.bbctraining.com/pdfs/dvguides/VX2000PickMeUp.pdf]["pick me up"]] review online. * Analog NTSC Super-VHS VCRs * Analog NTSC monitors ---++ Video Training/Instruction * The BBC provides a free [[http://www.bbctraining.com/onlineCourse.asp?tID=5914&cat=2781][Good Shooting Guide: the basic principles]] which will take you an estimated five hours to read through. It contains information on cameras, microphones, lighting, and equipment kits. * Also from the BBC: [[http://www.bbctraining.com/onlineCourse.asp?tID=5173&cat=2781][DV Usage Guides]]: Camera Handling for DV Operators, How to Shoot Widescreen on Small Cameras, Shooting Computer Monitors, Cables and Connections for DV, DV Tape Formats, Timecode, Transfers & Logging. * iMovie: The Missing Manual: we have a couple copies of this manual (for different versions of iMovie. The first couple of chapters are a quick read on how to use a camcorder and much more interesting than the camcorder manuals. ---++ PC Inventory * ImagerMachineList contains a list of all computers in Imager. * ImagerSeatMap contains a seat map for the desks in Imager x660. ---++ Imager Shared Machine in x660 * caber ([[MachineSpecsCaber][specs]]) has * video capture hardware/software * SPSS Grad Pack 17.0 * Quicktime Pro 7 * Adobe Creative Suite CS4 * 3DS Max? -- Main.harrison - 16 Jun 2005
This topic: Imager
Topic revision: r5 - 2010-03-10 - RockLeung
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