Imager equipment and operating instructions

Here you can find (and contribute) information about Imager equipment (video cameras, microphones, DVD burners, software, etc) and how to operate them.

Video and audio recording equipment

  • DV Video Cameras:
    • Sony DCR VX2000: we have three of these cameras. The BBC uses these and has a usage guide as well as a "pick me up" review online.

  • Analog NTSC Super-VHS VCRs
  • Analog NTSC monitors

Video Training/Instruction

  • The BBC provides a free Good Shooting Guide: the basic principles which will take you an estimated five hours to read through. It contains information on cameras, microphones, lighting, and equipment kits.
  • Also from the BBC: DV Usage Guides: Camera Handling for DV Operators, How to Shoot Widescreen on Small Cameras, Shooting Computer Monitors, Cables and Connections for DV, DV Tape Formats, Timecode, Transfers & Logging.
  • iMovie: The Missing Manual: we have a couple copies of this manual (for different versions of iMovie. The first couple of chapters are a quick read on how to use a camcorder and much more interesting than the camcorder manuals.

-- Main.harrison - 16 Jun 2005

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Topic revision: r1 - 2005-06-16 - JasonHarrison
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