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New Member Check-in Form

1.If you are a new student, please first check in with the main office in CS Room 201 (second floor, across from ICICS main office).
2.Then, print the attached form and take it to Imager Administrative Office (ICICS/CS Room x635) for processing by the Imager Admin.

Print one of these New Member Check-in forms (Adobe PDF, Open Office 2.0 or MS Excel 2k format):
(download-PDF) (download-OpenOffice2.0) (download-MSExcel2000)

Imager Calendar Maintenance

See also the more public-consumption item on the top imager twiki level.

Two google calendars are maintained for Imager Lab. As of Spring 2011, both are "owned" by one of the Imager Faculty (Wolfgang Heidrich) for continuity of access.

  • imager-lab
    • publicly readable
    • writeable by all imager faculty, current staff (needs to be updated when staff change) and the special google account "imager.adjunct@gmail.com" (password mux1328mux), which can be used by students, postdocs and staff who have been asked to maintain calendar items such as group meeting schedules.
    • ICal link
  • imager-facstaff
    • read/writeable by all imager faculty and current staff (same as above).
    • ICal link


Meeting Schedule Archives


  • FacultyStaffMeetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of every month. They take place in CS202.
  • ImagerSocials are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month, and include pizza, drinks, and demonstrations of current work from faculty or graduate students.

Faculty/Lab Responsibilities (OLD)

- updated by Tamara, 12 Oct 2007

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatods ImagerCheck-inForm.ods r1 manage 19.9 K 2005-12-13 - 00:00 RonFussell  
PDFpdf ImagerCheck-inForm.pdf r1 manage 56.8 K 2005-12-12 - 23:21 RonFussell  
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls ImagerCheck-inForm.xls r1 manage 18.5 K 2005-12-13 - 00:01 RonFussell  
PDFpdf ImagerGroupResponsibilities-12Dec05.pdf r1 manage 16.5 K 2005-12-13 - 00:21 RonFussell  
Microsoft Word filedoc LabManagerDutiesHand-offfromRonFussellNov16JM.doc r1 manage 56.5 K 2005-11-18 - 20:12 JoannaMcGrenere Joanna's annotated version of Ron Fussell's hand off notes based on Imager Facuty brownbag lunch on Nov 16th, 2005
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Topic revision: r23 - 2011-06-02 - KaronMacLean
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