<font FACE="Arial-BoldMT"> <p ALIGN="center"><font size="5" color="#48454B">Imager Technical Information</font></p> <p ALIGN="LEFT"><br> ---++++ Update Policy ---++++++ modified: Apr 04 2007 * For Imager computers (subnet 54), if you don't want your machine to be upgraded, then turn off cfengine. * Frozen and non-frozen periods for updating machines will be determined at the Imager Tech Staff Meetings in accordance with the calendar of conferences. There will be a 48 hour notification on updates during the non-frozen period. No updates (including security updates) will occur during the frozen period. The updates will be tested on 'tom' first, and 'tom' will generate an email to imager-tech when it is upgraded. * Look at the file /var/log/yum.log to see a list of recent updates to Linux machines. ---++++ Imager Filespace ---++++++ modified: Mar 28 2007 * The imager filespace is located at /ubc/cs/research/imager . ---++++ What changed with NetApps ---++++++ modified: * ---++++ How to mount things on Macs? How do you find your home directory? ---++++++ modified: * ---++++ Title ---++++++ modified: *
This topic: Imager
Topic revision: r2 - 2007-04-04 - cherylsl
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