Imager Technical Information
modified: dd mmm yyyy
Sudo Access Policy
modified: 26 Sep 2007
- Sudo access is given to the Imager representatives for Linux, Windows, and Macs.
- Sudo access should only be used in urgent situations after hours when help desk is not available. Help desk must be used whenever possible.
- When sudo access is used, email help desk notifying them of what was done on the machine.
Update Policy
modified: 18 Jul 2007
- Update policy applies to Imager computers on subnet 54.
- The imager tech members will decide upon conference freeze periods. To determine these periods, a calendar of conferences will be consulted. This calendar will list the freeze periods and the machines to be frozen during each period. Tech staff will check the calendar for freeze periods and will not update the listed machines until the freeze period is over. No updates (including security updates) will occur on listed machines during their freeze periods. * There will be a 48 hour notification on updates during non-frozen times. The updates will be tested on 'tom' first, and 'tom' will generate an email to imager-tech when it is upgraded.
- Look at the file /var/log/yum.log to see a list of recent updates to Linux machines.
Imager Filespace
modified: 28 Mar 2007
- The imager filespace is located at /ubc/cs/research/imager .
What changed with NetApps
modified: 26 Sep 2007
Joint Admin Model
modified: 18 Jul 2007
- The Joint Admin Model exists for Imager machines so that representatives have admin privileges as well as the tech staff. One representative per OS has sudo access. This is currently Tibi for Linux and David for Windows. Sudo access can be used in emergency situations. When performing a sudo access, the representative needs to notify the tech staff by email. The tech staff will keep track of sudo accesses and will report un-emailed incidents.
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Topic revision: r9 - 2007-09-26 - cherylsl