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<font FACE="Arial-BoldMT"> <p ALIGN="center"><font size="5" color="#48454B">Imager Technical Information</font></p> <p ALIGN="LEFT"><br> ---++++ Title ---++++++ modified: dd mmm yyyy * ---++++ Performance Issues with Raid Space ---++++++ modified: 03 Sep 2008 * Imager has raid space (found in /ubc/cs/research/): imager-raid1, psm-raid1, spiff-raid, pai-raid. * The raid space lives on a Xyretec disk and has performance problems. Sometimes, the raid is slow. Tibi performed some tests and Mike tried to figure out what caused the raid to be slow. However, the cause is still not known. Perhaps profiling during testing might help analyze performance. If the raid is problematically slow, please notify the help desk. * Tibi's tests show that imager-raid1 and imager-raid2 have similar performance. ---++++ Computing Committee's Levels of Service Document ---++++++ modified: 11 Jun 2008 * The Computing Committee's Levels of Service Document can be found on the computing web page: * [[https://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/administration/committees/computing/resources.shtml][https://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/administration/committees/computing/resources.shtml]] * This document describes the type and amount of support provided by the technical staff to support research activities. ---++++ !SuSe 10.3 Issues ---++++++ modified: 06 Jun 2008 * [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hharun/suse103/103wys.txt][http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hharun/suse103/103wys.txt]] ---++++ Renamed User Paths for Autodesk 3DS Max on Hamish ---++++++ modified: 07 May 2008 * (temporary posting) The User Paths for Autodesk 3DS Max on hamish were renamed so that drives will be writable. The changes are as follows: | | Original file locations | New Paths | | Animations | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\animations | D:\3dsMax8\animations | | Archives | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\archives | D:\3dsMax8\archives | | !AutoBackup | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\autoback | D:\3dsMax8\autoback | | Export | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\meshes | D:\3dsMax8\meshes | | Expressions | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\express | D:\3dsMax8\express | | Images | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\images | D:\3dsMax8\images | | Import | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\meshes | D:\3dsMax8\meshes | | Materials | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\matlibs | D:\3dsMax8\matlibs | | !MaxStart | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\scenes | D:\3dsMax8\scenes | | Photometric | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\photometric | D:\3dsMax8\photometric | | Previews | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\previews | D:\3dsMax8\previews | | !RenderAssets | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\renderassets | D:\3dsMax8\renderassets | | !RenderOutput | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\renderoutput | D:\3dsMax8\renderoutput | | !RenderPresets | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\renderpresets | D:\3dsMax8\renderpresets | | Scenes | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\Scenes | D:\3dsMax8\scenes-1 | | Sounds | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\sounds | D:\3dsMax8\sounds | | !UserScripts | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\userscripts | D:\3dsMax8\userscripts | | !VideoPost | C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\vpost | D:\3dsMax8\vpost | ---++++ Sun Grid Engine ---++++++ modified: 28 Feb 2008 * The Sun Grid Engine is scheduling software used to run jobs on 3 clusters of machines. The 3 clusters are beta, icics, and arrow; the icics cluster is available to the dept. The documentation appears on the BETA wiki page under the link "SunGridEngine". To access the SGE users can either ssh into a beta machine or submit jobs through departmental servers okanagan or begbie. ---++++ Departmental Servers ---++++++ modified: 28 Feb 2008 * A list of departmental servers can be found here: [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/system/serverinfo.shtml][http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/system/serverinfo.shtml]] ---++++ Machine Installation (or Reinstallation) Process ---++++++ modified: 22 Nov 2007 * The process that tech staff should follow for new machine installation includes the following. * Check screen resolution to see if it works. * Check that nVidia drivers are installed for nVidia cards. * Test glxgears to make sure graphics card works. ---++++ Video Editing Resources ---++++++ modified: 21 Feb 2008 * The Video Editing Studio (x718) has two machines: a Mac with Final Cut software, and a Windows machine with Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0 software. Most of the equipment in x718 is actually owned by ICICS, purchased through a CFI award. It is available to everyone in Imager (and to others). This is a shared resource, for all ICICS researchers and their students. Fob access to the Video Editing Studio can be obtained through Ron Fussell. The Video Editing Studio should be reserved online at [[http://www.icics.ubc.ca/reserve-a-lab/][http://www.icics.ubc.ca/reserve-a-lab/]]. * hamish is a general purpose Imager machine in x660 which has video editing software (Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5). Users should use the D drive to store their projects instead of the C drive since tech staff needs the C drive for maintenance. ---++++ Remote Access Policy for haggis and hamish ---++++++ modified: 22 Nov 2007 * haggis and hamish are general purpose Imager machines. Users can remotely log on to them or use them in x660. * The first person who logs on (remotely or not) owns the machine. The next person gets a warning message and cannot log on until the first person logs off. Please be aware and do not to press the reset button on these computers in case someone is logged on remotely. ---++++ Canceling Print Jobs ---++++++ modified: 18 Oct 2007 * User X can cancel user Y's print job by running lprm on the cascade server. This command removes the first job in the print queue. ---++++ Account Expiration ---++++++ modified: 04 Oct 2007 * There are 3 things associated with a person: the account, the home directory, and the imager filespace in /imager/people/. When a person's account expires, this procedure applies only to the person's imager filespace. Tech staff will have a semi-automatic way of deleting/archiving a user's imager filespace according to the user's type. When accounts are first created, they are assigned an expiration date. When the expiration date is reached, the supervisor receives a notification email requesting confirmation for account archival/deletion. After supervisor confirmation, the account will expire. The files will be chown'd to the supervisor in a "purgatory" archive for 12 months before they are permanently deleted. While students should make sure their important files are archived in the right place before they leave, this policy is meant to handle the reality that this does not always occur. The time period of 12 months was chosen since many paper deadlines are annual conferences, so it's likely that the need to hunt down files would happen within the year window. This policy covers both undergraduate interns and !MSc students. * Visitors/postdocs and !PhD student accounts will never be automatically deleted. Yearly reminders of active visitor accounts will be sent to supervisors, since most collaborations continue for many years. When a supervisor decides that a visitor account is no longer required and should be deleted, they should to be archived with the same 12-month purgatory process as above. After !PhD students graduate, accounts should stay active, although pressure to reduce disk usage can be applied (preferably by the supervisor). Rationale: !PhD students spend a significant portion of their life here, and their email is listed as contact on (hopefully many) papers. In many cases they continue to collaborate with their former supervisor or fellow students. ---++++ Hardware Purchase Procedure ---++++++ modified: 18 Oct 2007 * When purchasing new hardware, email Ming Lau, Glen Lee, and Ciaran Llachlan Leavitt with the specifications (mlau,glee,llachlan). * When ordering a new machine, only provide Ming with the specs that you really care about, and tech staff will fill in the rest with compatible parts. ---++++ Sudo Access Policy and Joint Admin Model ---++++++ modified: 04 Oct 2007 * The Joint Admin Model exists for Imager machines so that representatives have admin privileges as well as the tech staff. * Sudo access is given to the Imager representatives for Linux, Windows, and Macs. This is currently Tibi for Linux and Christopher for Windows and Macs. * Sudo access should only be used in urgent situations after hours when help desk is not available. Help desk must be used whenever possible. * When sudo access is used, email help desk notifying them of what was done on the machine. * Tech staff will keep track of sudo accesses and will report un-emailed incidents. ---++++ Update Policy and Conference Freezes ---++++++ modified: 15 Nov 2007 * Update policy applies to Imager computers on subnet 54. * The calendar on the [[ConferenceFreezeDates][Conference Freeze Dates]] page will list the freeze periods and the machines to be frozen during each period. If you would like your machine to be frozen for an upcoming conference please add your machine name, the conference, and the conference deadline to the calendar. Imager tech members will look at this page monthly to decide upon freeze periods. The page will also list conferences for which machines do not need to be frozen, and these conferences will be indicated as "no freeze". Tech staff will check the calendar for freeze periods and will not update the listed machines until the freeze period is over. No updates (including security updates) will occur on listed machines during their freeze periods. * Vulnerability patching: During the freeze period, if there is a vulnerability that requires an upgrade, there are 3 options: * patch the machine and see if it works * take the machine off the network (no internet or cs access) * move the machine to subnet 54 which is the subnet for user administered boxes * There will be a 48 hour notification on updates during non-frozen times. The updates will be tested on 'tom' first, and 'tom' will generate an email to imager-tech when it is upgraded. * Look at the file /var/log/yum.log to see a list of recent updates to Linux machines. ---++++ Imager Filespace ---++++++ modified: 21 Feb 2008 * The imager filespace is located at /ubc/cs/research/imager . /imager (1.7 TB on !NetApps) contains both project/ and people/. * There is also 1TB of old raid space which was imager's old disk space before moving to !NetApps. This raid space (not on !NetApps) is divided between two directories: /ubc/cs/research/imager-raid1 (600GB) and /ubc/cs/research/psm-raid1 (400GB). ---++++ What changed with !NetApps ---++++++ modified: 26 Sep 2007 * !NetApps documention link: [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/accounts/backups.shtml][http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/accounts/backups.shtml]] * The above link contains information on how to use the backup/restore features on the new file servers. * Recommendations for setting permissions: For most files = -rw------- (default, allows only you to read and write them.) C/C++ programs and other programs = -rwx------ (also default, allows only you to read, execute and write them.) See the man page on umask for information on how default permissions are set. For more information go to: [[http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/unix/permissions.shtml][http://www.cs.ubc.ca/local/computing/unix/permissions.shtml]]
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