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Tony's picks

A general chi recap, including the following

  • the workshop I attended (designing and evaluating mobile phone based interactions with large displays)
  • usability evaluations considered harmful (some of the time) paper and panel (hopefully others talk about this one too, it was a good session)
  • diary study of mobile internet needs
  • mobile internet design via pc internet deprivation
  • changes to next year's chi

Karyn's picks

General highlights, including

  • doctoral consortium
  • usability evaluations considered harmful (some of the time) paper and panel (I concur with Tony)

And the following papers

  • Session: Dignity in Design
    • Paper: Designs on Dignity: Perceptions of Technology Among the Homeless
    • Paper: Interactional Empowerment

Karen's picks

  • Session: Displayful and Displayless
    • Paper: Wedge: Clutter-Free Visualization of Off-Screen Locations
  • Session: Fitts' Law Lives
    • Paper: An Error Model for Pointing Based on Fitts' Law

Garth's picks

  • Session: Improved video navigation and capture
    • Paper: Dragon: A direct manipulation interface for frame-accurate in-scene video navigation
  • Session: Multiple and Large Displays
    • Paper: Ninja Cursors: Using multiple cursors to assist target acquisition on large screens

Peter's tidbits

  • Session: Plenary
  • Session: Usability considered harmful
  • Session: Media spaces
  • Session: Friends, foe & family
    • Paper: Assessing Attractiveness in Online Dating Profiles
  • Session: Mixed initiative
    • Generalized selection via interactive query relaxation
  • Session: Visualizations
    • Paper: Expandable grids for visualizing and authoring computer security policies
  • Session: Culture & Technology
    • Paper: The Network in the Garden
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Topic revision: r6 - 2008-04-23 - PeterMcLachlan
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