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This Term's Schedule

Date Summary
2006/12/14 Cancelled? CS Dept Holiday Party
2006/12/7 CPSC 543 Project Presentations
2006/11/30 TBD (Presenter: Peter)
2006/11/23 Jakobsen, and Hornbk (2006) Evaluating a fisheye view of source code. In Proc. CHI'06 pdf (Presenter: Heidi)
2006/11/16 CSCW Recap
2006/11/9 Cancelled
, de Bruijn, and Curry (2000) Exploring the Effects of Icon Characteristics on User Performance: The Role of Icon Concreteness, Complexity, and Distinctiveness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Dec 6(4), pp 291-306. pdf (Presenter: Rock)
2006/10/26 Furnas, GW (2006) A fisheye follow-up: further reflections on focus + context. Proceedings of CHI'06. DOI (Presenter: Clarence)
2006/10/19 Quan, D., Bakshi, K., Huynh, D., and Karger, D. (2003) User Interfaces for Supporting Multiple Categorization. Proceedings of INTERACT 2003. pdf (Presenter: Yamin)
2006/10/12 Stelmaszewska, H., Fields, B., & Blandford, A. (2004). Conceptualising user hedonic experience. In Proc. ECCE 2004. pdf (Presenter: Dave)
2006/10/5 Yeh, Liao, Klemmer, Guimbretiere, Lee, Kakaradov, Stamberger, and Paepcke (2006) ButterflyNet: A Mobile Capture and Access System for Field Biology Research. CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2006. pdf (Presenter: Nicole)
2006/9/21 Review of CHI Submissions Part 2
2006/9/14 Orientation and Organization Meeting
2006/9/7 Review of CHI Submissions Part 1
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Topic revision: r4 - 2006-11-24 - RockLeung
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