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Choosing a paper

  • Read it before making others read it
  • Choose one that you think is interesting
  • Choose one that is related to your work
  • Choose one that you have questions about
  • Choose one with a methodology that you think you might use
  • Choose a paper that you think presents some research opportunities for us
  • Choose a "best paper"
  • Choose 2 contrasting papers
  • Choose a classic (one that has been cited many times)

Summarizing a paper

  • Keep it brief (e.g., problem, methodology, key results, why you chose the paper)
  • Show accompanying video or demo, if one exists

Facilitating a discussion

  • Conduct special activities tied to the paper
  • Encourage everyone to contribute to discussion

Critiquing a paper

  • Focus on how one would improve the research
  • Look at good or novel organization
  • Look at how we can use the paper's positive points in our papers
  • Relate the paper to our research
  • Come up with suggestions for future work
Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-29 - RockLeung
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