When preparing to host a visitor, please coordinate with the primary Imager demo czar (Brad Atcheson - or the appropriate sub-czar(s) below. They will then arrange for students within their group(s) to give demos, and update the log at the bottom of this page.
The demo czar will also contact the faculty once per year to keep the list of sub-czars up-to-date.
Date |
5 Feb 2010 |
Host |
Visitor |
Stephen Toope |
Reason |
Demos |
Date |
9 Feb 2010 |
Host |
Joanna |
Visitor |
Pourang Irani, HCI faculty from U of Manitoba |
Reason |
Guest lecture at IDRG |
Demos |
Date |
26 Mar 2010 |
Host |
Visitor |
Reason |
Prospective grad student visit |
Demos |
HDR display, Face capture, Cloth capture, Gas capture |
Date |
7 Sep 2010 |
Host |
Visitor |
Incoming grad students |
Reason |
Lab open house |
Demos |
Date |
10 Dec 2010 |
Host |
Wolfgang |
Visitor |
Tim Scully, Douglas Lanman |
Reason |
Collaboration with PSM (NIPS workshop) |
Demos |
PSM lab projects |
Date |
13 Dec 2010 |
Host |
Visitor |
Rob Pieke |
Reason |
Collaboration between UBC and MPC on Visual Effects research |
Demos |
Michiel van de Panne, Dinesh Pai, Shin Sueda, Joanna McGrenere, Tamara Munzner, Ron Rensink, Karon Maclean, Allan Rempel & Nasa Rouf, Landon Boyd & Zheng Wang, Kelly Booth, Ron Maharik & James Gregson |
Date |
18 Mar 2011 |
Host |
Visitor |
Prospective grad students |
Reason |
Lab tour |
Demos |
Everyone |
Date |
12 Apr 2011 |
Host |
Wolfgang Heidrich |
Visitor |
Steven (Shlomo) Gortler |
Reason |
Visiting lecture |
Demos |
Amore/Sensorimotor/InfoViz |
Date |
26 May 2011 |
Host |
Wolfgang Heidrich & Ron Maharik |
Visitor |
Vladimir Kim |
Reason |
Visiting lecture |
Demos |
DGP & PSM groups |
Date |
21 July 2011 |
Host |
Gordon Wetzstein |
Visitor |
Matteo Dellepiane |
Reason |
Visiting lecture |
Demos |
DGP & PSM groups |
BradAtcheson - 12 Jan 2010