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LSD Space

Lab Members




Masters Students

Bachelors Students

Honourary Members


Kelly's research work queue

  • Read current draft of Ying Zhang's thesis
  • meet with bachelor's thesis students (two) to review projects
  • (add your item here, below this line, leaving this line in place)

Upcoming Events

Meeting Minutes

Current Infrastructure Projects

Project Location People Status
Large Wall Displays x509/x521/x615 Joel/Zephyr set up in x521 and can run openGL applications.
Smart Plasma Displays x521/x615 Karen/Sherman Waiting on delivery of screens
Tabletop Display x521 Karen/Tony/Zephyr Single projector mounted with Tony's rig (yay!). Working on some detailed plans and budget for the 4-projector setup.
WestGrid Setup x521 Zephyr ?
DiamondTouch x521 Karen Currently set up in x521 and can run basic demo apps that came with it. Thinking about other possibilities for use.
FTIR Display ? ? Need to get in touch with the guy from Queens who offered to build us one of these

Current Research Projects

Project People Status
Collaborative TractorBeams Karen Working on software for CSCW demo (deadline July 7th)

External Resources

CSCW 2006 planning

CSCW car list

If you aren't happy with your departure date please post a note here. There is room for up to 7 people in each of the vans, so we can do a bit of shuffling of places if necessary. (Zephyr and Clarence - since you are SVing let me know if you want to go on Friday instead)

Leaving Friday morning

Name driver? SV? demo equipment?
Kirstie yes yes yes
Nicole yes no no
Karen no yes yes
Yamin no yes yes
Ying no yes no
Zephyr no yes no
Clarence no yes no

Leaving Saturday morning:

Note that this van will also be taking the bulk of the demo equipment
Name driver? SV? demo equipment?
Sherman yes no no
Joel yes no yes
Garth yes no no
David no no no
Kelly? yes? no no

The following costs will be covered for the UBC students funded by NECTAR to attend the conference (the 10 people listed in the table below starting with Garth and ending with Clarence).

  • Conference registration (if you are not a Student Volunteer) at the early student rate of $195 US.

  • Hotel for Nov 3-7 at Banff Y Mountain Lodge -- number of nights depends on whether you are in a workshop. These will be the shared rooms that Karen has reserved. Specifically, if you are attending a workshop, arriving Friday Nov 3 is OK, but if you are not attending a workshop, Saturday Nov 4 is the first night of hotel you get unless you need to go early to fill up a car.

  • Three nights (Nov 8-10) at the Banff Centre with meals staring with dinner on Nov 8 through lunch on Nov 9 (maybe only through breakfast on Nov 9). These will be arranged for us by NECTAR once I send in the list of students attending the AGM. The third night is to allow everyone to drive back on Saturday instead of Friday.

  • All costs of the rental car, including gas.

  • $100 allowance for meals claimed as a per diem. Additional meals during the conference or on the road are NOT covered. There is a conference banquet and probably at least one reception that is an equivalent-to-dinner event, and coffee breaks in the morning are a light breakfast. There should be more than enough food while we are at the Banff Centre. The $100 subsidizes the cost of your additional meals.

Hardcopy of the proceedings is is apparently bundled into the registration. You can get just a CD version of the proceedings and save $60 US. This is optional. If you don't want the proceedings, save us the money and get just the CD, but get the "free" hardcopy if you will use it.

You should register for the conference and ask Juliet O'Keefe to reimburse you the $195 US registration fee. If you prefer to be reimbursed in CDN funds, you can give her a copy of your credit card bill (or on-line statement) that shows the converted amount, otherwise UBC will compute the exchange rate.

After the conference Juliet will process reimbursement for hotel and the rental cars as soon as you provide her with receipts.

Be sure to register prior to the October 6 registration deadline.

Name Arrival Date Arrival Mode of Transport Departure date Departure Mode of Transport Wouldn't mind staying until Sunday? Initials
Kirstie Friday evening (Nov 3th) car (driver) Saturday morning (Nov 11th) car (driver) maybe KH
Garth Friday evening (Nov 3rd) car (driver) Saturday morning (Nov 11th) car (driver) either way is fine GS
Karen Friday evening (Nov 3rd) car Saturday morning (Nov 11th) car yes KP
Ying Friday Evening (Nov 3rd) car Saturday morning (Nov 11th) car Don't want to stay YZ
Nicole Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van (driver) Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van (driver) yes NA
Joel Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van (driver) Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van (driver) would prefer leaving friday JL
David Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van maybe DS
Zephyr Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van I don't mind ZL
Sherman Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van Don't mind SL
Yamin Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van I don't mind YH
Clarence Saturday evening (Nov 4th) van Saturday morning (Nov 11th) van don't mind CC
Joanna ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  
Kelly Sunday afternoon (Nov 6th) fly? Friday afternoon (Nov 10) fly? no KSB
Tony Tang N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A  
Barry Po N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A  
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