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MUX Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

if you have a question, post it here. if you know the answer to an unanswered question, please post it. if you just spent a lot of time tracking down how to do something, and figure others in the lab will probably run into the same issue at some point, post a question with answer.

There is also a separate SPIN FAQ that may have information pertinent to all of MUX. Feel free to check it out as well.

-- SteveYohanan - 25 Aug 2005

How do I contact plantops?

if there is a problem with the lab that requires the attention of plant operations---the temperature is uncomfortable or something is leaking from the ceiling---then you can e-mail them or call them.

e-mail tc@plantopsDELETEthisTEXT.ubc.ca.
CC muxlab-l@csDELETEthisTEXT.ub.ca.

phone: 604-822-2172 (x2-2172)

Printing problems in X508

  • Printing duplex always appears to work
  • Printing to PS level 2 seems to be ok for all jobs from a Mac. What about Win & Linux?
  • Printing single sided jobs directly from an application from a Windows or Mac box does not seem to work. Same problem w/ Linux?
  • Until the last printer bug fix, we could only print single sided. Now, we can only print duplex

-- SteveYohanan - 26 Aug 2005

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Topic revision: r3 - 2005-10-22 - SteveYohanan
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