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Large Scale Display Group Meeting, x618, 26th May 06, 12.00-13.00

Here are some action items from today's meeting (if you can remember
more, please add them to the list):

1.Karen Parker. Send list of names of researchers in Kelly's group to Ron.

"Kelly Booth" <ksbooth@cs.ubc.ca>
"Ron Fussell" <fussell@icics.ubc.ca>
"Barry Po" <po@cs.ubc.ca>
"Clarence Chan" <clarence@cs.ubc.ca>
"Colin Swindells" <swindell@cs.ubc.ca>
"David Sprague" <dsprague@cs.ubc.ca>
"J. Karen Parker" <parker@cs.ubc.ca>
"Joel Lanir" <yoel@cs.ubc.ca>
"Nicole Arksey" <narksey@cs.ubc.ca>
"Sherman Lai" <s.lai@fisheries.ubc.ca>
"Yamin Htun" <yhtun@cs.ubc.ca>
"Ying Zhang" <yingzhan@cs.ubc.ca>
"Zephyr Liu" <zephyr@cs.ubc.ca>

2.Ron Fussell.  Create listserve LSD-G from those names.
DONE (request sent, waiting for list to be created)

3.Ron Fussell. Ensure that everyone in LSD-G has access to the following
areas until 1 June 2008:


DONE, but will not activate until tomorrow.  Please be aware that the
access authorisation system sometimes malfunctions; as such, it is
recommended that you test your fob on those areas after 1.15 Saturday
and let me know if it does not work.

4.Karen Parker.  Arrange a meeting with Tony Tang and Ron Fussell on
Monday to look at projector mounting in x521.  Monday, 29th April, is
the Noldus class,  so this should be scheduled during lunch or between
breaks (late in the afternoon might even work).

5.Ron Fussell.  Plasma screens are scheduled to arrive the first week of
June.  Notify Sherman, Nicole, Joel, Karen and Tony on arrival.

6.Ron Fussell.  Assemble scaffolding in x521, demonstrate use to Karen
and Tony.

7.Ron Fussell.  Find where the speakers are to go in x521 and x615.  Ask
Status: I sent an email to Luca, cc: Sid and Kelly.

8.General note on reservation systems.  Reservax does not allow an
evaluation of subjects, most importantly, whether or not they even show
up for a laboratory session.  Someone in LSD will contact Ron Rensink
and ask if that capability can be added.  Ron Fussell pointed out that
there will be a spot on the new ICICS room reservation system for
listing attendees and providing brief comments about the experiment, but
that system will not be deployed until later this summer.

-- KarenParker - 12 Jun 2006

Topic revision: r1 - 2006-06-12 - KarenParker
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