Physics-based Person Tracking Using the Anthropomorphic Walker
Contribution : Physics based Model for tracking people,as an alternative to other methods, for instance kinematic models, is suggested. Instead of modeling full body dynamics, a biomechanics based lower body tracking model is implemented.
Evaluation: The model was evaluated for 4 different types of walking and environmental variations. Three of these were generated specifically to test the model performance in changes in speed, simulated occlusion and turning. The model then was applied to an external dataset (
Reproducibility: The components of the model have been explained considerably well, though lots of the have been referred to previous work and weren't revisited. THe parameters of most of these components appeared to have been set manually or empirically while evaluation. So, there might stay some room for ambiguity while reproducing the results completely.
Improvements: Overall the paper was well written and explained. Model parameter selection could have been emphasized more.
-- Main.sumanm - 01 Dec 2011
MichielVanDePanne - 27 Nov 2011
Topic revision: r2 - 2011-12-01
- sumanm