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                    Port Map for Room x709 and x711


Location (Refer to the map) Subnet Port Number   Location (Refer to the map) Subnet Port Number
1 None CCT045945 7 Imager CCT045942
CS Firewall CCT045947 Imager CCT045944
Imager CCT045946 CS Firewall CCT045943
New CCT047945 8 Imager CCT045939
2 Imager CCT045948 IAPv2 CCT045941[cs.ubc.ca #14959] Enabled for ObjetAlaris30, on user-admin subnet, but are not being used as the host and the printer both are disconnected from the network. -- MushfiqurRouf - 07 Dec 2010
Imager CCT045950 CS Firewall CCT045940
CS Firewall CCT045949 9 CS Firewall CCT045934
New CCT047946 CS Firewall CCT045936[cs.ubc.ca #14691] Enabled for ObjetAlaris30, but were loose -- MushfiqurRouf - 07 Dec 2010
3 Imager CCT045954 Imager CCT045935
CS Firewall CCT045955 New CCT047942
4 Imager CCT045951 10 Imager CCT045931
IAPv2 CCT045953 IAPv2 CCT045933
CS Firewall CCT045952 CS Firewall CCT045932
5 Imager CCT046123 11 Imager CCT045929
Imager CCT046124 Imager CCT045928
Imager CCT046125 IAPv2 CCT045930
6 Imager CCT045920 12 Imager CCT045925
Imager CCT045921 IAPv2 CCT045927
Imager CCT045922 CS Firewall CCT045926
New CCT047940 New CCT047941
14 New CCT047944 13 Imager CCT045957
  Imager CCT045959
CS Firewall CCT045958


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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
GIFgif PSM_Ports.gif r1 manage 7.0 K 2006-03-07 - 20:10 UnknownUser Floor Map
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Topic revision: r3 - 2010-12-07 - MushfiqurRouf
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