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PSM shared calendar

The lab uses a shared calendar (hosted by Google Calendar) where people can record their availability and schedule group meetings. If you plan on being out of the lab for an extended period, indicate it here to help people that may be trying to contact you. Granularity is roughly on the order of "half a day". Since the calendar is hosted by Google Calendar, users with Gmail accounts can easily link it to their own Google calendars for read/write access. Sunbird and iCal can also view the calendar, but note that this will be read-only access. Sunbird/iCal users will need to log into Google Calendar using the lab account in order to make changes. The calendar should not be publically visible. Only users explicitly included in the sharing settings, and with access to the private URL will be able to view the calendar. Please remember to write the names of the people associated with any items you create, since it does not automatically record the ID of the user that created each item.

PSM Google account settings

Calendar URL

This is the private URL for the calendar. Do not share it with anyone outside of the lab.

HTML access

This is the private HTML address for the calendar, which affords (usually) read-only access. If all you want to do is view the calendar, the easiest way to do so is to bookmark this link in your web browser. If you happen to be currently logged in with a Google account (either your own, or the lab account), you will also be able to edit existing entries in the calendar (but not add new ones).

Guide to accessing the calendar from Google Calendar

  • Log into Google Calendar using the PSM account
  • Click manage calendars (bottom left section)
  • Click shared: edit settings under the sharing heading next to the PSM Lab calendar
  • Type your email address in the add a new person box
  • Select make changes to events in the permissions box and click add person
  • Click save and logout
  • Log back into Google Calendar using your own account
  • You should see "PSM Lab" in your list of subscribed calendars
  • To schedule events in the shared calendar, simply make sure to select the PSM one whenever you create an event. It should then be visible to all other users

Guide to accessing the calendar from Sunbird

  • Sunbird is available as a user-supported package (type use sunbird)
  • Right click in the top left calendars section and choose new calendar
  • Select remote calendar
  • Select WebDAV format
  • Paste the calendar URL (see above)
  • Give it a name and choose a colour

Access from Sunbird is meant to be read-only. However, the version of Sunbird currently installed is still buggy and it might segfault if you attempt to write to the calendar.

Guide to accessing the calendar from iCal

  • Create a new calendar in iCal
  • Command-click on the new calendar and choose subscribe
  • Paste the private URL into the address field and click subscribe
  • Give it a name and click OK

-- BradAtcheson - 21 Sep 2006

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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-10-18 - MushfiqurRouf
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