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Tongue firmly in cheek, here is our prediction for the SIGGRAPH 2009 papers.

Please add as you see fit!

  • TRDFs: Tridirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions for 50% Better Rendering
  • Really Fucking Slow Noise Amplification
  • Cutting and Pasting SIGGRAPH Papers
  • Generalized Point Set Surfaces: Segment Set Surfaces
  • Simulating Every Single Thing in the World in Real Time (Reduced Ten Degree of Freedom Model)
  • Cool Things To Do With Two Billion Cameras
  • Oops, There's Another Bug In Noise
  • Fluid Animation Via Complicated Numerical Analysis Buzzwords
  • A Simple, Chromatic-Voronoi-GPU/PPU-OBBTree-PointBased-SemiStochastic-QuasiRigid-BSP-JIT-PDQ Culling Strategy for Real Time Collisions
  • Metropolis Sampling and Photon Mapping for Globally Illuminated Jello, on the GPU
  • Lots and Lots of Stuff Falling on Top of Other Stuff
  • Generalized Segment Set Surfaces: Triangle Set Surfaces
  • Capturing Real World Illumination, Exhaustively
  • Real-Time Rendering of Ultra Low Dynamic Range Scenes
  • PASTA: Peculiar AcronymS are Terribly Amusing
  • Global Illumination for Fun and Profit
  • Squishing, Smashing, Burning, Melting, and Vaporizing the Stanford Bunny
  • Funniest Home Videos of People in Mocap Suits
  • Photorealistic Spaghetti
  • Photorealism Must Die!
  • Non-Photorealistic Spaghetti
  • A Truly Marvelous Proof of an Optimal Rendering Algorithm (which these 8 pages are too narrow to contain)
  • Fourier Everything
  • Poisson Everything else
  • Chocolate BIFF: The Inside Joke That Would Not Die
  • Generalized Triangle Set Surfaces: Surface Set Surfaces
  • Simulation of Water in Some Kind of Invisible Tub
  • Photorealism Must Die: Introducing Microsoft Realism (TM) v1.0
  • As-Rigid-As-Possible PowerPoint Transitions
  • That Same Girl, Hanging From a Play Structure, Again
  • Realistic Simulation of Another Body Part We Hadn't Thought of 'Til Now
  • Ellipsoidal Stickman Learns a New Trick
  • Advanced Shutter Fluttering of the Fluttered-Shutter for Special Shutter Flutter Effects
  • TAMPONS: Tracking And Manipulating Point sets ON Surfaces
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Topic revision: r16 - 2009-03-05 - RobertBridson
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