---+ PSM Summer Internships 2009 This page serves to collect useful information for the summer internships. ---+++ People Interns: * Curt da Silva * Lance Fu * Rachel Teo * Steven Stuber Contacts: * Wolfgang Heidrich (heidrich@cs.ubc.ca) * Ivo Ihrke (ivoihrke@cs.ubc.ca) * Bradley Atcheson (atcheson@cs.ubc.ca) * Derek Bradley (bradleyd@cs.ubc.ca) * Nasa Rouf (nasarouf@cs.ubc.ca) ---+++ Calendar A shared calendar has been created on google: http://calendar.google.com * Login: internspsm@gmail.com * Password: psmsummer -- Main.WolfgangHeidrich - 04 May 2009
This topic: Imager
Topic revision: r3 - 2009-05-04 - curtd
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