Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt rebuttal-121.txt r1 manage 6.0 K 2012-12-24 - 01:15 DianeTam Rebuttal for CHI 2012 #121 submission -- accepted
Microsoft Word filertf rebuttal-230.rtf r1 manage 5.2 K 2012-12-23 - 23:47 DianeTam Rebuttal for CHI 2010 #230 submission -- accepted
Texttxt rebuttal-230.txt r1 manage 4.9 K 2012-12-23 - 23:40 DianeTam Rebuttal for CHI 2010 #230 submission -- accepted
PDFpdf rebuttal-434.pdf r1 manage 51.6 K 2012-01-30 - 19:45 MonaHaraty Rebuttal for CHI12#434 submission--rejected
Microsoft Word filertf rebuttal-434.rtf r1 manage 5.1 K 2012-01-30 - 19:38 MonaHaraty Rebuttal for 434 submission--rejected
Texttxt rebuttal-434.txt r1 manage 5.1 K 2012-01-30 - 19:41 MonaHaraty Rebuttal for CHI12#434 submission--rejected
Microsoft Word filertf rebuttal-806.rtf r1 manage 5.3 K 2012-12-24 - 01:39 DianeTam Rebuttal for CHI 2013 #806 submission -- accepted
Microsoft Word filedocx rebuttal.1.3.docx r1 manage 17.8 K 2013-11-15 - 17:43 BrianGleeson Rebuttal to HRI2013 paper
Microsoft Word filedoc review-121.doc r1 manage 70.0 K 2012-12-24 - 01:14 DianeTam Review for an accepted CHI 2012 paper
Microsoft Word filedocx review-135.docx r1 manage 21.4 K 2013-11-15 - 17:41 BrianGleeson Review for a paper accepted to HRI2013
Texttxt review-434.txt r1 manage 16.1 K 2012-01-30 - 19:35 MonaHaraty Review for a paper rejected to CHI12
Texttxt review-806.txt r1 manage 23.2 K 2012-12-24 - 01:38 DianeTam Review for an accepted CHI 2013 paper
Microsoft Word filertf reviews-230.rtf r1 manage 29.6 K 2012-12-23 - 23:38 DianeTam Review for an accepted CHI 2010 paper
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Topic revision: r5 - 2016-11-18 - KaronMacLean
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